Product / ServiceFOOD
CategoryC04. Response / Real-time Activity
Contributing GOOGLE Sydney, AUSTRALIA


Name Company Position
Jo Howlett TKT Sydney TV Producer
Jake Tucker TKT Sydney Senior Account Director
Marshall Campbell TKT Sydney Account Director
Laura Martin TKT Sydney Account Manager
Sohail Bhatia TKT Sydney Planner
Paul Nagy TKT Sydney Executive Creative Director
Ben Clare TKT Sydney Creative Director
Brendan Willenberg TKT Sydney Creative Director
Emil Cholich TKT Sydney Copywriter
Shaun Thomson TKT Sydney Art Director

The Campaign

We didn’t give Australians a compelling reason to buy Campbell’s Soup. We gave them thousands. We all know that YouTube offers an opportunity to reach people in the moments that matter, when they're looking for answers to their most pressing questions in real-time, checking in on their favourite YouTube creators, or exploring their interests and passions through video. So we created Campbell’s SoupTube: a dynamic pre-roll campaign with over 1700 individual executions; each one themed to match the video viewers were attempting to watch, and brought to life in real-time. We even created daily pre-rolls, with headlines relating to the world’s trending topics. Because no matter what you’re watching or searching for, Campbell’s has a soup for it. 

Creative Execution

We know that every day, people search YouTube to find things that interest them; answers to their most pressing questions, entertainment, or simply stuff that relates to their interests and passions. For four weeks we monitored YouTube’s most popular search categories and channels, writing hundreds upon hundreds of headlines to match the video viewers were attempting to watch, and remind them of Campbell’s Soup. Utilising beta technology from Google, the headlines were dynamically composited into a pre-roll video in real-time, resulting in over 1700 individual pre-roll executions. Thousands of YouTube's top searched videos were tagged and we even created daily pre-rolls throughout the campaign, related to the world’s top trending topics; from international breakups on the scale of BREXIT to the global phenomenon, Pokémon Go.


With a mission to innovate how a low-interest category like soup directly connects with people, and re-establish Campbell’s Soup’s cultural relevance, we succeeded. Over four weeks, more than 1 million people were reminded of the untold occasions and nourishing benefits of Campbell’s Soup. We landed over 1,900,000 impressions, with a video view rate of 92.86%, and the campaign achieved a 24.7% lift in Ad Recall and a 6.9% lift in Brand Awareness for Campbell's Soup. Best of all, there was a 55.6% increase in sales of Simply Soups compared to 2015. Ultimately helping turn something that’s been around for over 20,000 years, become the most relevant thing in 2016.

The traditional creative and story-telling process is rapidly changing. Nowhere more so than the Asia Pacific region. People don’t want to be bludgeoned with broadcasts. They want, and expect, something more sophisticated, more considerate.  What makes this campaign so innovative and relevant in an age where technology is empowering people to skip ads, is that it utilized beta technology from Google to generate thousands of highly targeted YouTube pre-roll ads in real-time, delivering audiences something that added to their experience, not distracting from it.

It’s not easy getting Australians to think of soup. Whilst it has many nourishing qualities, we only ever think to cook it when winter arrives. This presents a challenge in a climate like Australia’s, whose winters bring mild temperatures. And with an unexpectedly long El Niño weather pattern bringing unseasonably high temperatures in 2016, Campbell’s Soup had all but lost its relevance. We wanted people to think of more occasions to cook soup beyond the weather. Our strategy then was to present Campbell’s range of nourishing soups as the ‘answer’ to whatever life throws at you. So we partnered with Google to figure out how we could turn YouTube’s most invasive ad-format; the pre-roll, into the most relevant. We used beta technology from Google to generate thousands of highly targeted YouTube pre-roll ads in real-time, ultimately demonstrating the countless number of soup-eating occasions through relevant and timely placed ads.


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