CategoryD02. Retention


Name Company Position
Vivek Krishnaswamy BBH India Account Manager
Priyanka Samant BBH India Account Executive
Russell Barrett BBH India Chief Creative Officer
Reema Asrani BBH India Agency Producer
Karunasagar Sridharan BBH India Creative Director
Karunasagar Sridharan BBH India Creative Director
Ajmal Mohammad BBH India Creative Director
Ajmal Mohammad BBH India Creative Director
Abhijit Kalan BBH India Art Director
Kushal Birari BBH India Art Director
Aamir Rangwala BBH India Copywriter
Monideepa Nandi BBH India Business Director
Nandkishor Tatar Rising Star Director

The Campaign

Since no one reads boring email reminders, we decided to take over just the things customers pay attention to. We tracked down people who had visited our website at some point in the past, and took over their entire internet experience. We took over their Youtube experience with retargeting pre-roll videos created exclusively for them. Instead of typical ads, we played several videos that mimicked funny and interesting viral videos that were popular in India. And we 'videobombed' them by inserting our reminders seamlessly into the videos. The videos would continue to play every time they visited Youtube, and continued to remind them until they visited Coverfox again. Further, we took over the rest of the internet as well. We created retargeting banners that created the illusion of articles on webpages being modified by our videobomber.

Creative Execution

We created videos of a Coverfox employee telling out potential customers that he's going to help them remember to renew their insurance. We followed this with 7 videos with reminders seamlessly integrated into them. The videos followed them on Youtube over several days, and even weeks. At the same time, we flooded the internet with web banners as well, which were targeted specifically at these people. The web banners appeared in news sites, fashion portals, sports sites, and so on. No matter what website the customer chose to visit, he was never too far from our reminders.


Within 3 weeks, over 32,000 customers made it back to the website. As a result, Coverfox recorded its highest-ever monthly traffic since its inception. Sales of insurance policies went up by 33%. In short, it turned out to be Coverfox's most successful retention campaign yet.

We used retargeting in a whole new way, by creating tailor-made videos for a very specific audience. We tracked down people who had visited Coverfox in the past and took over their internet experience. This allowed us to have a one-on-one conversation with the audience, in an otherwise ordinary medium. Retargeting ads tend to annoy viewers, as do 5-second pre-roll videos. We put a spin on both platforms to create a unique experience that could actually entertain and help people avoid trouble. The campaign was also designed to create a sense of urgency, and to drive people to the website as

We tracked down people who visited Coverfox but didn't get around to renewing their insurance. With a little help from Google, we were able to use retargeting in a completely new way. Instead of stalking them and boring them with brand messages, we used the platform to entertain them and create reminders that would actually benefit customers. We also used Google's ad network to flood the internet with static reminders. Since the ads only ran for this specific subset of people, all the messages were relevant and effective.


Video URL