CategoryE02. Social Purpose


Name Company Position
Richard Li Google Country Marketing Manager
Amy Huang Google Product Marketing Manager
Ted Yukawa Google Brand, Search, Insights APAC
Lan Chang Google Communications Manager, Taiwan & Hong Kong
Jo-fan Yu Google Public Policy and Government Relations Manager
Ken Miura Google Agency Technical Liaison - Brand Studio
Tom Dunn Toaster Creative Director
Sheelin Conlon Toaster Executive Producer
Marco Rotoli Toaster Art Director
Alberto Giorgi Toaster Technical Director
Will Donohoe Toaster Developer
Marco Ciampini Toaster Developer
Liam Brummit Toaster Developer
David Lee Toaster Designer
Liam Coxon Toaster Designer
James Law Toaster Creative Technologist

The Campaign

We used this opportunity to showcase Google’s relevance in the everyday lives of Taiwanese people by providing them with tools that matter in the moment. With our 2016 Taiwan Presidential Elections campaign and portal we were able to facilitate citizen participation and empowered them through information, be it through Search, Trends, YouTube, Google+, News, and Hangouts. With a special #AsktheCandidate gadget on the Google Election site, we invited voters to submit questions directly to Presidential candidates across 15 national topics. After clicking the “I want to ask” button, users could enter their query under more than a dozen categories, including education, economy, labor, and health and welfare. Other users could like the question and share it on social networks. The most popular questions were answered directly by candidates on our election site (via text), and some of them were chosen as debate questions in the televised Presidential debates.

Creative Execution

The site launched in October, six weeks ahead of the official start to the presidential campaign. It featured: 1. Homepage - featuring candidates’ profile, manifesto, trends, social networks, schedule and latest election news via YouTube, Google News and Google+. Also, the homepage switched to real-time poll results and live open ballot on Election Day. 2. #AsktheCandidate - inviting voters to submit questions directly to Presidential candidates across 15 national topics. The most popular questions were answered directly by candidates on our election site and some of them were chosen as debate questions in the televised Presidential Dates. 3. Trends - providing “Google Score”, a measure of candidates search activity on Google and YouTube. Infographics charting what issues are emerging across the country, and search trends tracked the various candidates with data based on Search insights and Trends.

18.8M eligible voters reached 252 news stories generated 2.1M visits, 1.7M unique users, 3M pageviews on Google Elections portal 11 questions chosen exclusively from #AsktheCandidate on the Google Elections portal for Presidential Debate series; ?6,5?00 questions submitted with 220,000 votes? 1.2M live views of Presidential Debates on YouTube 3.7M live views/ 1.1M watch hours of live poll results on YouTube on Election Day 1M voter engagement via Now Cards on Election Day (88% like rate) 900M impressions of online ads

The ‘youth vote’ was a crucial part of this years elections because the youth vote played an enormous part the 2014 election cycle. Taiwan’s Central Election Commission estimated that 18.8 million people would be eligible to vote and 1.29 million would be first-time voters who had reached age 20, the voting age minimum (two years older than it is most countries). This one stop election portal and interactive #AsktheCandidate gadget appeals to our target audience by making it easier for them to grab all the election facts, keep up-to-date with the latest agendas and participate in the elections and Presidential debates.


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