CategoryD01. Social Video
EntrantISOBAR Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Idea Creation ISOBAR Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA


Name Company Position
Sanyen Liew Isobar Malaysia Executive Creative Director
Chinwei Wong Isobar Malaysia Creative Group Head
Lam Wai Kit Isobar Malaysia Senior Writer
Chan Weng Joe Isobar Malaysia Senior Art Director
Estelle Lai Isobar Malaysia Designer
Jean Tang Isobar Malaysia Client Services Director
Sharon Hew Isobar Malaysia Associate Brand Director
Tanvi Singh Isobar Malaysia Lead Strategist

The Campaign

The Chinese community believe numbers hold the answer to fortune, with some even keeping a flowerhorn as a source of lucky numbers & wealth. Just before the CNY season, we hooked our audience by releasing 32665 - a set of lucky numbers as a code of fortune through a catchy tune.This was done through a humorous online video depicting a superstitious family convinced that they’ve struck a fortune, only to realise in a twist that 32665 decoded, means Mudah. The revelation shows Mudah.my's potential as a platform to strike a fortune.

Creative Execution

The campaign’s main driver; an online video depicts a family all Malaysians can relate to – one that invests in a pet flowerhorn (fish breed with patterns on its body, often interpreted as lucky numbers). In the video, the family’s plumber claims to know lucky numbers while staring at the family’s fish. The plumber breaks the fourth wall and shares his wisdom about fortune in a catchy song. Shown in a pseudo philosophical manner, the plumber writes the numbers 32665 in calligraphy on papers and throws them in the air. The numbers 32665 miraculously spells out Mudah, revealing the family’s initial misconstrued interpretation of what it takes to strike a fortune and the revelation that the answer to fortune lies in Mudah.my. The campaign was coincided with the time Chinese are busy spring cleaning (13.01.2018 to 15.02.2018) and spread via Youtube, Facebook and Spotify ads.

The campaign resonated very well with the Chinese community and garnered 7 million views on Youtube and Facebook combined. Buzz among Chinese community went up by 177% which exceeded the increase in buzz (113%) created last year Chinese New year Campaign Hoeeki; Recommendation of brand among Chinese community went up by 103%; Improve brand value score - The Value score for Mudah.my improved by 109%; Rise the consideration rank - Among the top competitors Mudah.my was the 10th most considered brand among Chinese consumers - Post campaign it become the 6th most considered brand; Drive intent to use Mudah.my - The intent to use Mudah.my among Chinese Community went up by 225%. From being the at the bottom of the consideration rank among the key competitors, Mudah.my rose to being the 6th most considered brand among Chinese Community, well above giants like Alibaba and ebay during Chinese new year.

It is a common belief among Chinese consumers that lucky numbers can bring fortune and prosperity to them, especially during CNY - demand of cars and lotteries with specific lucky numbers increases during CNY. This deep set cultural insight among the Chinese community was leveraged to establish Mudah.my to be synonymous with great value and its potential as a platform to strike a fortune. Social listening data showed that conversations around wishes for good luck and prosperity surge during Chinese New year. We wanted to tap into the trend but without getting lost in the clutter of generic festive content from brands. For us to trend in the top social channels (Youtube & Facebook) used by Chinese Community during festive season, we had to create content that was colloquial and design to travel in social.


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