Product / ServiceMCDONALD'S TABLE
CategoryE06. Co-Creation & User Generated Content
Entrant@COMM Shanghai, CHINA
Idea Creation @COMM Shanghai, CHINA
Media Placement QQ READING Shanghai, CHINA
Media Placement 2 PEAR VIDEO Shanghai, CHINA


Name Company Position
Alex Zhang @comm Project leader

The Campaign

Big IDEA When there is an endless stream of good content, how do you communicate it to the target audience? McDonald 's around true stories and insights about humanity, produce PGC with different forms, including text, graphics, video… through professional co-production with multiple KOL and content platforms. 1. Consumer insight: the "real story" is the emotional connection. Our insight into these vivid stories not only is the customer's precious memories, is also a brand of unique assets. By establishing emotional connection with consumers through "real stories", it helps brands to establish brand" warm and storied place" . 2. Channel insight: use PGC to drive UGC, achieve content creation. words, voices and images are the main form story, and so in terms of platform cooperation, it's a feature of the story, which is the spread of the story, and the spread of the story in a different way.

Creative Execution

1. McDonald 's established a personified image of the @ McDonald's TABLE. When these seeds content distribution after going out, was hit by a story that conveys human readers. 2. In addition to the self-built position of the @M table, McDonald's chose the pear video & QQ Reading to collect activities and encourage the customers to help the brand spread the story while digging the story. 3. we have extracted eight favorite themes to make table posts, and successfully collected the true stories that happened in all parts of the country. Effective drainage of customers quickly enters QQ video H5 page read and pear. 4.The "true story" theme store of McDonald's offline, and cooperated with KOL "real story plan" to share and collect true stories. 5.In the Elite bookstore center, there is a huge white table with 38 real stories on it. McDonald's through offline exhibitions such powerful expression.

Quantifiable results: The total amount of exposure was 204,154,027, reaching a rate of 2000%; The interaction volume is 2,398,200, and the achievement rate is 230%. Far more than expected. Using different platforms and channels to hit the consumer's focus, the real UGC story, 19,053 Achievements and recognition: 1.The campaign has gained wide attention in the industry, which has caused multiple authoritative WeChat large active text parsing, net ease news, Sohu, UC and other media. 2.The stories collected by the campaign can be applied to future creative scripts, such as TVC and PGC video, etc. so that the story can be passed on to the real story, which can also be applied to the derivative products of the store. 3. netizens actively share stories ? McDonald 's after midnight, no longer ACTS like a fast food restaurant, won nearly 10 million reading quantity, forward by brush screen type.

1) pear video & QQ reading platform: the number of QQ reading reaches 600 million, Pear video users reaches 200 million. The core TA of these two platforms is the combination of young people and McDonald's, and their user volume also provides convenience and possibility for communication. 2) KOL "true story program": to cooperate with the KOL "true story program" to emphasize the truth of the story, to connect the brand with the concept of "real, warm and human insight", to expand the cognition of the consumer to the brand. 3) Restaurant cross-boundary Eslite bookstore, "table remembers you" theme story exhibition. In addition to boosting product sales in the short term, McDonald's can more important by this campaign to win the consumers' mind. In the future, @ McDonald's TABLE has been telling the story, and the evolution is in the form of movies, books, animations, etc.


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