Product / Service | VISA PAYWAVE |
Category | A03. Long-Term Creative Effectiveness |
Entrant | BBDO MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA |
Idea Creation | BBDO MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA |
Production | DIRECTORS THINK TANK Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA |
Production 2 | FUSE ASIA Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA |
Name | Company | Position |
VJ Anand | BBDO Malaysia | ECD |
Chow Tatt Ho | BBDO Malaysia | Art Director |
Mindy Lim | BBDO Malaysia | Copywriter |
Asran Zakry Zainuddin | BBDO Malaysia | Account Director |
Victoria Kovalan | BBDO Malaysia | Account Manager |
Clinton Chai | BBDO Malaysia | Designer |
Nisha Khirudin | BBDO Malaysia | Executive Producer |
Rafiq Ridzwan | BBDO Malaysia | Planning Director |
Syaza Abdur Rahman | BBDO Malaysia | Strategic Planner |
Rajay Singh | Directors Think Tank | Director |
Heng Tek Nam | Directors Think Tank | Executive Producer |
This campaign showcases the long term effectiveness of an engaging piece of content. The video kick-started a year-long campaign to increase awareness and encourage usage of Visa Contactless payments (Visa payWave). This campaign faced a lot of challenges which include lack of consumer knowledge on the product by the, security concerns as well as conflicting messaging from government bodies encouraging the use of PIN when making transactions. However, with the heart-warming video as well as other supporting communications, we managed to overcome these challenges and achieve 100% increase in Visa payWave usage among consumers, as well as changing their mindset and behaviour in using Contactless payments. We even managed to convince a majority of cashiers to use the word "payWave" when asking the customer on their preffered method of payment, making Visa payWave synonymous with Contactless payments. The video also was well received in the region, with it being adapted for use in more than 7 other Visa markets in Asia as well as by Partner Issuers. This campaign exemplifies an effective and engaging content which was loved by all.