Product / Service | MISTUBISHI FUSO |
Category | B04. Business Citizenship / Corporate Responsibility & Environmental |
Idea Creation | AD PLANET DAIKO INDONESIA Jakarta Selatan, INDONESIA |
Media Placement | CREATEX Jakarta Selatan, INDONESIA |
Production | GETCRAFT Jakarta Selatan, INDONESIA |
Production 2 | NINE SQUAD Jakarta Selatan, INDONESIA |
Production 3 | SAGA FILMS Jakarta, INDONESIA |
Name | Company | Position |
Moksa Jiwadana | Ad Planet Daiko | Creative Group Head |
FUSO Colt Diesel is the oldest truck brand in indonesia, Its decades long presence in Indonesia have even effect how Indonesian refer to any kind of light duty truk as “Truk Colt”. Yet despite its history, in everyday life the public generally view Truck and its driver as a nuisance and hazard on the road. The result of Truck driver came from lower economic status, lax of transportation regulation, and constant economic pressure On that context, there are no reason whatsoever for the general public (non-user) to care or even talk about trucks. Our idea is to highlite the human aspect of truck driver and truck contribution that the public rarely aware of and shatter the general negative stereotyping trough understanding and compassion.
1– 15th Dec #Terimakasihsupirtruk a.Unbranded Video – release in a new YT. thru YT, FB, IG ads. Scale; Rp.100,000,000 in YT&FB ads b.Unbranded Stickers – Distribute in public touchpoint that rely on Truk logistics. Scale; 1000Pcs in Jakarta Drive&Amplify Organic Convo by Influencers, Bloggers, Celeb to cater different TA. Scale; 7 IG KOL, 2 YouTubers, 5 Online Publishers 15 Dec 17 initiative to highlight Truck Driver’s contribution to society. Iwan Falls encourage public to appreciate truck drivers by posting #FusoKontribusi. Each value Rp10K & cover to a Highshool Scholarship given to selected Drivers of 10 cities. Scale; 51 Media, 60 Coverage 15 Dec 2017 – 31 Jan 2018 Socialisation thru Iwan Falls Socmed&Roadshow, Influencers, Publisher content. Scale: 15 IG KOLs, 11 Publishers, Rp450,000,000 in FB & IG ads. 87 Media, 93 Coverage 12 Feb 18 Press Con of #FusoKontribusi Scholarship to 10 Truck Driver’s children. Scale: 68 Media, 73 Coverage
• #Terimakasihsupirtruk: 1,742 • #FusoKontribusi: 12,578 • Media Investment : Rp. 2,199,174,650 • Media Value Coverage: Rp 18,266,673,600 Tone: positive Quality: Covered by media from top tier 1 and top tier 2 (national & local) • Brand Image Performance (Pre VS Post Survey to Public TA who are exposed to # campaign). 4 key Public perception area strongly influenced are; i. LIKE THE MOST: 44.8% VS 46.6% ii. FEELING CLOSE: 53.7% VS 54.8% iii. CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY: 49.2% VS 55.8% iv. CARING FOR TRUCK DRIVERS: 39.6% VS 48.4%
It contradicts the public sentiments of Truck Driver (as Careless, uneducated, selfish, disregard other motorist) by showing the human aspect & struggle of truck driver who in reality play vital role to Indonesian lifelihood. It reflects MITSUBISHI FUSO compassion and sympathy to the “small people”. The campaign proves even for a B2B brand whom public rarely cared, able to build a connection and engagement on a deeper emotional level thus generating a positive brand image.
I. Create an unbranded social movement > We release an unbranded video in Youtube & unbranded Stickers in truck logistic dependant touch point. (#terimakasihsupirtruk) II. Build up momentum by creating organic conversation around the issue > Collaborate with various Key Opinion leader. III. Own the issue and create a medium to funnel public sympathy into a concrete action > Unveil the initiative was done by Mitsubishi Fuso in an effort to highlite the vital contribution Truck Driver made in our life and It is time we (brand & Public) appreciate their contribution by giving back trough #fusokontribusi. IV. Build stronger credibility and encourage public to join the good cause > We utilize Iwan Falls credibility and popularity to strengthen the cause. V. Publizice the achievement of #FusoKontribusi and the real impact it made. 1st TA; M&F 25-40 Yo, Urban, digital savy, active netizen 2nd TA; Truck enthusiast, Drivers, and Communities.