Product / ServiceWELL-BEING
CategoryA01. Innovative Technology
Idea Creation CHEILPENGTAI Beijing, CHINA
Production CHEIL Beijing, CHINA


Name Company Position
Peter Shen Cheil PengTai Chief Creative Officer
Mingming Sun Cheil PengTai Creative Director
Alex Liu Cheil PengTai Associate Technical Director
Eric Song Cheil PengTai Technical Director
Jerry Lee Cheil PengTai Senior Producer

The Campaign

Our idea is simple: go back to the basics. Despite all the digitally simulated tools we have today, we created a physical one - the GPS Hand, to provide the simplest and most intuitive way to get directions.

Creative Execution

Plug the GPS Hand into the USB port on a mobile phone. It activates and connects the map application automatically. By fetching navigational data from the phone app, it simultaneously gives physical directions to the user. The GPS Hand terminates the aimless wandering of the “directionally blind”. The technology is consisted by two parts: 1. Serial Communication - GPS Hand receives instructions from mobile device through serial port - Sends data back to mobile device through serial port 2. Indication Function - Receives navigational data from mobile device - Drives stepping monitor to rotate, hence giving directions

This little device can be sold to consumers directly, or it can also idealy be used in theme parks, where they can be given for free with admission tickets. The GPS hand would be perfect for theme parks, directing people to the next ride they want to try out. It would also be perfect for "treasure hunting" for brand campaigns.

The work is the next step for navigation, currently designed for cellphone, it can also apply to driving vehicles in the near future, making navigation simpler than ever.