CategoryA06. Best Use of Special Events And Stunt/Live Advertising
Entrant Company:DDB CHINA GROUP Shanghai, CHINA
Advertising Agency:DDB CHINA GROUP Shanghai, CHINA
Media Agency:HUARUN MEDIA Shanghai, CHINA


Name Company Position
Michael Dee DDB China Group Chief Creative officer
Victor Ng DDB China Group Executive Creative Director
Jody Xiong DDB China Group Creative Director
Victor Ng DDB China Group Copy writer
Jason Jin DDB China Group Copy writer
Jody Xiong DDB China Group Art Director
Cong Ding DDB China Group Art Director
Jack Xuan DDB China Group Art Director
Jody Xiong DDB China Group Illustrator
Jody Xiong DDB China Group Designer
Jody Xiong DDB China Group Typographer
Jenny Liu DDB China Group Planner
George Ooi DDB China Group Agency Producer
Rico Zhang DDB China Group Agency Producer
James Chen DDB China Group Print Production Director
Chongwen Zhu Happy film Production House Producer
Keno Zhao Refine Images Photographer
Qingsong Liang Happy film Director
Qiu Bo Director

Results and Effectiveness

Public awareness of wildlife conservation in China raised by 56%. 79% of consumers interviewed indicated they would stop buying animal-cruel products.

Creative Execution

We spent three months training three parrots for this task. We taught them how to stand in front of a microphone and speak up for those animals who couldn’t do so themselves. We then took our message directly to point-of-sale locations of animal-cruelty products -- A shark’s fin restaurant, a fur and leather fashion store, and a traditional Chinese medicine store. Our spokes-animals even got on the phone with leaders of government departments and trade industries.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

Have you heard? Every year in China, 73 million sharks are decapitated to make shark fin soup. Almost 800 million minks are skinned alive for their fur. Over 10,000 bears are disemboweled for their gall bladders, to be made into Chinese medicine. But you couldn’t have heard them Because while there have been campaigns to raise awareness, they have mostly fallen on the deaf ears of governments, trade industries and the public. We say enough is enough. We needed a powerful voice to speak up and sound off their cry for help. A spokesperson that simply cannot be ignored.