Product / ServiceRECRUITMENT
CategoryA02. Best Use of Magazines/Newspapers
Entrant Company:THEINDEX Taipei City, CHINESE TAIPEI
Advertising Agency:THEINDEX Taipei City, CHINESE TAIPEI

Results and Effectiveness

We only spent US $ 200 on production fee, resulting in 21 times more job inquiry from passionate advertising talents compared to the recruitment website. We also find a 9.2 times growth on visits to our company website, as well as heated discussion on social network amongst advertising partners.

Creative Execution

1.Before sending the books to the bookstores nationwide, inside each book, we secretly stick on hand-written stickies on to different random pages. 2.On the front of each sticky, we have printed one of the following sentence: [ Use this for tomorrow’s proposal ] [ Slight modification is all I need ] [ Use this layout this time ] [ Suggest this idea to the client ] 3.When the reader finds a sticky and begins to suspect the book has already been read, he would turn to the back of the sticky to find in small print: [Refer to others? Or you can join us to bring out the best advertising ideas!]

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

TheINDEX is a small advertising agency. In Taiwan, a small independent advertising agency in the quest for talent finds it difficult to compete with large well-known agencies. The challenge is to find new ways to attract talent without spending over the budget. Most people working along side the advertising field would flip through advertising articles for reference. They would often leave sticky or post-it on pages that interest them. We chose the most popular advertising book in Taiwan,and almost all the creative minds would purchase a copy each year. Together with the publisher, we came up with a secret advertising plan to find our creative individuals.