Product / ServiceFUKUOKA PARCO
CategoryA03. Consumer Services
EntrantPUZZLE Tokyo, JAPAN
Entrant Company:PUZZLE Tokyo, JAPAN
Advertising/Web Design Agency:PUZZLE Tokyo, JAPAN



Name Company Position
Gyosei Okada puzzle producer
Yukiko Nishikido puzzle director/planner
Taku Kodama puzzle production manager
Takashi Kamada spfdesign art director/designer/Flash developer
Kohei Yamamoto spfdesign designer/Flash developer
Lullatone - sound designer
Toshio Ikeda - chief editor
Tetsurou Iwanaga - editor/cameraman

Brief Explanation

March 2010, PARCO, one of the most popular shopping mall among Japanese young people first opened in a local city of Fukuoka. This project aimed to get PARCO into local community by letting them join the promotion so that they can have a fellowship in PARCO opening. This is a countdown clock to show the time left until the opening day. In collaboration with a local magazine publisher, more than 500 local people were taken snaps and interviewed. To represent the concept of 'people-joining', some handmade methods like cut-out shape of snaps, stop motion, human voice SEs are used.