Product / ServiceKAYAC
CategoryA01. Corporate Information
EntrantKAYAC Kanagawa, JAPAN
Entrant Company:KAYAC Kanagawa, JAPAN
Advertising/Web Design Agency:KAYAC Kanagawa, JAPAN



Name Company Position
Noriko Nishi KAYAC Art Director/Designer
Daisuke Yanasawa KAYAC Producer/Creative Director/Copywriter
Sayuri Takizawa KAYAC Designer/ME
Masashi Watanabe KAYAC Programmer
Kyo Ago KAYAC Programmer
Nami Gunji KAYAC ME
Motonori Nakamura KAYAC Flash Developper / ME
Kenji Saito Honshitsu Copywriter
Mai Sakaue KAYAC Assistant Director

Brief Explanation

“With whom?” rather than “what to do?” This is one of "the FUN corporation" KAYAC's principles. KAYAC thinks that “employee” is an important element forming the company. Therefore, in this corporate site, not only introducing our business performance and works, but we put our employees as contents, and “bits and piece” of everyday life, performed by them. Moreover, we put interactive contents in order that visitors, assuming our clients and service users, also join in creating the content. Transmitting external and internal information about KAYAC in real-time, we focused on everyday update as media site and aimed at the corporate website directly conveying our corporate vision and message.