Product / ServiceVOLKSWAGEN POLO
CategoryA01. Consumer Goods
EntrantDDB MUDRA Mumbai, INDIA
Idea Creation DDB MUDRA Mumbai, INDIA


Name Company Position
Rahul Mathew DDB Mudra Group Creative Director
Iraj. Fraz Batla DDB Mudra Group Creative Director
Manish Patel DDB Mudra Group Copywriter

Write a short summary of what happens in the radio or audio execution or campaign.

If you’ve taken a spin in the Volkswagen Polo TSI, you’d know how quick off the blocks the little beast is. For the automated GPS navigator, it was her first time.

Script & Translation. Provide a full English script and translation of any audio.

SFX of traffic. GPS FVO: Take right from S V.. Go straight… Continue till… You are on the fa… From the next round abou… Take U turn fr… Take left after 6… Take raa… You will arrive at yo… Your destination is on your left. MVO: Get there faster. With the Volkswagen Polo TSI. Brand VO: Volkswagen.