Product / ServicePR
CategoryC03. Exhibitions / Installations
Idea Creation HS AD Seoul, SOUTH KOREA


Name Company Position
Yung Hwan Park HSAd Account Executive
Byong Jae Shin HSAd Account Executive
Hyun Joon Kim HSAd Account Executive
Gyu Ri Moon HSAd Account Executive
In Gyu Park HSAd Creative Director
Ji Yeon Park HSAd Copywriter
Won Joon Cheong HSAd Copywriter
Young Min You HSAd Art Director
Da Eun Choi HSAd Art Director
Hyo Jin Kim HSAd Creative Director
Jung Yoon Park HSAd Art Director

Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation ?

<SAVING GINKGO PROJECT> is a social contribution activity aimed to enhance corporate perception. The campaign was brought together by two Eunhaengs, SBI savingsbank and the Ginkgo tree, that seek the return of the love. We wanted to make campaign that announces the purpose of the campaign and makes people participate with public art. Beyond viewing ginkgo art exhibits, a participatory event <SAVE A TREE WITH YOUR HUG> was promoted in order to draw support and participation to save female ginkgo trees. Citizens’ photos with the hashtag #saving ginkgo trees led to direct contribution to fundraising. It drew 43,000 people’s support.


Savings banks in Korea are generally misunderstood by people after all that’s happened, despite their countless efforts to help out the neglected small-loan finance. And, there is another being that’s also suffered from people’s misunderstanding. That is, the Ginkgo tree. The gingko nuts that are borne in fall have very foul smell, and this smell is responsible for countless civil complaints. Due to these complaints, many Ginkgo roadside trees are scheduled to be discarded. SBI savings bank, as the number 1 savings bank in Korea, has launched a project with the ginkgo trees that will make people love them again.

Describe the creative idea (20% of vote)

Phase 1. Art Exhibit Installation Installing art exhibits in which the face of Gingko Trees is made, to enhance people's interest in ginkgo trees. Three large EYEBALLs with diameter of 2 meters were brought from 'Designs in Air,' a famous British artist group. The big and frightened eyeballs were decorated on the ginkgo trees. After equipping large EYEBALLs, 48 "Ginkgo Facial Roads" with various facial expressions were created in ginkgo tree-line road. A casual place that had been passed through became a place that gives citizens a fairy tale experience and fun. Phase 2. Citizen Participation Campaign Holding a hug donation event, in which citizens sympathize with the campaign in art exhibition spot. Phase 3. Transplantation of ginkgo trees Transplanting female gingko trees by the donation of the SBI Savings Bank, including hug donation.

Describe the strategy (20% of vote)

■ Target audience Targeting audiences as broad as possible in delivering message ‘coexistence with nature,’ but especially 20’s-30’s/active/Instagram users are more likely to be targeted. ■ Approach To inform people about the danger ginkgo trees are in, art sculpture exhibition using ginkgo trees were held in the park. Citizens who visited the exhibition were intuitively and naturally aware of the situation by enjoying exhibition featuring large-scale eyeballs, face wrapping ginkgo trees) Not only that, but also citizens participated in fund raising, through instant SNS events. With SNS event, people freely took pictures of ginkgo trees with exhibits and posted them on their SNS accounts by adding hashtags. The event made people to participate in fund raising while enjoying it.

Describe the execution (30% of vote)

■ Implementation To inform people about the danger ginkgo trees are in, art sculpture exhibition using ginkgo trees were held in the park. Citizens who visited the exhibition were intuitively and naturally aware of the situation by enjoying exhibition featuring large-scale eyeballs, face wrapping ginkgo trees) Not only that, but also citizens participated in fund raising, through instant SNS events. With SNS event, people freely took pictures of ginkgo trees with exhibits and posted them on their SNS accounts by adding hashtags. The event made people to participate in fund raising while enjoying it. ■ Timeline - 2018.8.5~2018.9.15 : Art Exhibit Installation - 2018.9.15~2018.10.7 : Citizen Participation Campaign - 2018.10.15-2018.10.31 : Transplantation of ginkgo trees ■ Placement Olympic Park, Songpa District, Seoul ■ Scale Local

List the results (30% of vote)

■ Social Response Photos taken by citizens were uploaded on Instagram and played a big role in spreading campaign story as socialmedia contents and drew attention of about 44,000people. Adding the donation raised with the campaign and SBI Savings Bank’s own donation, 40 ginkgo trees that were about to be cut down were transplanted into a part next to roadside, starting new life. The campaign was introduced to society through various media, and broadcasts. ■ Brand Index Also, corporate perception has skyrocketed by 32.5%, preference 16.8% and credibility 22.6% after the campaign took place. Consumers who either took direct or indirect participation has exceeded over 60 thousand, and more than 50 articles were published. The campaign was introduced more than 5 times including the public TV network, and the project film video had recorded approximately 890 thousand views.


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