Product / ServiceCHARITY
CategoryB10. Use of Social Platforms
EntrantTENCENT Shenzhen, CHINA
Idea Creation TENCENT Shenzhen, CHINA
Media Placement TENCENT Shenzhen, CHINA


Name Company Position
Vincent Li Tencent General Manager
Akae Wang Tencent Executive Creative Director/Copywriter
Zita Zou Tencent Copywriter
Ivy Huang Tencent Art Director
Dong Xie Tencent Art Director
EMMA LIU Tencent Art Director
Hunter Zhang Tencent Account Director
Susi Song Tencent Account Executive

Why is this work relevant for Media?

We transformed the Mogao Caves’ painting into guardians of the digital world. Through social media, the public establishes a strong social connection with the guardians, and individuals are triggered to share their charms on social media thus encouraging others to find their own. The Provider seeking behavior eventually becomes viral and brought awareness to the Mogao Caves’ paintings with remarkable public attention and word of mouth.


The Mogao Caves with a history of 1600 years, is facing the danger of deterioration and possibility to forever lose its precious cave painting. It requires support from each individual, however no one is looking after her like an elder living alone. How do we bring public attention to this challenge, and raise enough fund for digital restoration and bring radiance again back to The Mogao Cave?

Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote)

A Buddhist deity symbolizes guardian and protector to ordinary mortals in ancient China. How to get public attention for the Mogao Caves’ Buddha? Every June, a million households will encounter the challenge of their lives in China, the National Colleague Entrance Exam. This is the time when people seek divine assistance for guidance to success. We took the opportunity to launch A Provider campaign. We’ve turned the Buddha into the digital divinity and created 34 different guardian charms incorporating Mogao Caves’ Buddhist elements. Combining with the big data tags, each individual is matched with a specific charm including study charm, career charm, peace charm and so on. Donate 1 RMB upon receiving the token to become the provider.

Describe the strategy (20% of vote)

The Mogao Caves with a history of 1600 years, is facing the danger of deterioration, how do we quickly raise fund for The Mogao Caves? We turned the ancient culture legacy into familiar guardian charms for mass public via digital technology, reaching audiences with oriental guardian culture on WeChat social platform that owns 1 billion users. To keep this luck, each individual can donate and become a provider. Users are transformed into digital missionary on social media to support the fundraising for The Mogao Caves restoration project.

Describe the execution (20% of vote)

We’ve created 34 different guardian charms incorporating the Mogao Caves’ Buddhist elements, and hid them inside the social media for students. Students could donate 1 RMB upon receiving the charm to become the provider. Incorporating big data tags, each individual is matched with a specific charm. Some participants went further to start their own collection, because they want them all. This charm exchange game became viral on social media and gathered a total 25 million providers. A provider’s event empowered by digital technology, bridged the Buddhist image with mass public and supported the fundraising for The Mogao Caves, so that the treasures can be preserved.

List the results (30% of vote)

1. The event recruited nearly 25 million providers. 2. Was forwarded more than 1.4 million times. 3. Over 45 media outlet and social media reported this event, and earned media reached impression of 100 million. 4. Regarded as one of the Top 10 Chinese Creative Events in 2018.


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