Title | VEGI-BUS |
Brand | VEGIBUS INC. |
Product / Service | VEGI-BUS |
Category | B07. Social Business & Commerce |
Entrant | HAKUHODO INC. Tokyo, JAPAN |
Idea Creation | HAKUHODO INC. Tokyo, JAPAN |
Idea Creation 2 | VEGIBUS INC. Makinohara City, JAPAN |
Production | STANDARD INC. Tokyo, JAPAN |
Additional Company | SUZUYO & CO.,LTD. Shimizu-ku, JAPAN |
Name | Company | Position |
Yuriko Kato | Vegibus Inc. | Chief Executive Officer |
Hironori Iwasaki | HAKUHODO Inc. | Strategic Planning Director |
Shuhei Kuwabara | HAKUHODO Inc. | Art Director |
Shuta Tokuda | HAKUHODO Inc. | Strategic Planner |
Tsunashi Yamaguchi | HAKUHODO DESIGN Inc. | Consultant |
Ryo Yoshitake | STANDARD Inc. | Designer |
Nahoko Izukawa | SHIZUOKA HAKUHODO Inc. | Account Director |
Farmers want to deliver their vegetables at their freshest. But, using large distribution networks costs time and money at the expense of the freshness of the vegetables. For example, vegetables harvested in Shizuoka prefecture are once transported to a market in Tokyo 180 km away, priced, returned to Shizuoka and sold. At this point, about four days have already passed since the harvest. This is detrimental to both the farm and the consumer. To save local vegetable producers and to allow them to pass on their quality product quickly to consumers, what we needed was an efficient distribution system with a more favorable sales price for the farmers.
We created a platform that can distribute vegetables quickly and without extra cost by limiting the area. VEGI-BUS is a combination of unique logistics and e-commerce services. We created a unique regional distribution infrastructure for a bus of vegetables where a refrigerated truck goes around the decided route and loads and unloads vegetables at every stop set on the route like a bus stop. Vegetables ordered through e-commerce are delivered using this infrastructure. By using VEGI-BUS, it has been possible to deliver what used to take four days, to 0 to 1 days, and by sharing the bus between all the users, the distribution cost has also been lowered.
In Japan, there are many farmers who want to produce high quality vegetables in a sustainable manner, and there are many businesses such as restaurants and retailers who are willing to pay for such vegetables. However, in an efficiency-oriented large-scale logistics system, direct connection between producers and buyers was impossible. A sustainable service that ties the two together is the VEGI-BUS. VEGI-BUS integrates both local logistics and e-commerce services with social media that connects producers and buyers, thereby enabling both local economic revitalization and the creation of new methods of communication within the region.
Buyers can browse and search vegetables uploaded by farmers on the VEGI-BUS top page. From there, specify the farmer and order vegetables. The farmer who received the order just harvests the vegetables and leaves them at the nearest bus stop. The driver picks up this and delivers it to the buyer's nearest bus stop. Buyers can go for it whenever they like. The vegetables ordered will be delivered the day or the day after the harvest. The farmers and buyers also have the added benefit of direct communication such as asking for recommendations or wishlisting new vegetables, and giving instant feedback on delivered vegetables.
The farmers and buyers both save an enormous amount of time and money by sharing the stops on their routes. Some farmers have increased their income by 1 million yen in six months, which contributes to vitalize the important agricultural economy in Shizuoka. The purchaser's delivery cost was cut by 75%. At the same time, it reduces CO2 emissions by more than 66% compared with large distribution networks. It has the potential to minimize food mileage in Japan. This unique system hints at how the future of eCommerce might be, and VEGI-BUS is not only protecting rich regional food cultures but also creating a new form of communicating locally through the medium of food.