Product / ServiceCOLOXYL
CategoryA01. OTC Oral Medicines
Production OGILVY X Sydney, AUSTRALIA


Name Company Position
Toby Pickford Ogilvy CommonHealth Creative Director
Michael Zivkovic Ogilvy CommonHealth Senior Art Director
Helene Mann Ogilvy CommonHealth Copywriter
David Bailey Ogilvy CommonHealth Account Director

The Campaign

Stefan the stool expert. He's on a mission to tell everybody that soft stools are comfy stools. And the best way to get them is with Coloxyl.

Creative Execution

Using real stools as a simple analogy, Stefan has become the face of Coloxyl. A personality who's creating endless opportunities for education and entertainment. At the heart of the campaign, a 60 second online video to introduce Stefan and his range of stools - hard, very hard, occasional and soft comfy ones. He explains how Coloxyl stool softeners work to relieve constipation and demonstrates the range for different needs. For consumers it provides mode of action information they're seeking, but can access in private, online. Other campaign activities: - Digital advertising to drive people to view online video - Radio advertising with Stefan highlighting soft stools and Coloxyl range - morning placements when bother around constipation is most acute - Linking with radio, a regular segment 'On the Schtul with Stefan' - videos on KIIS FM facebook page and website, enabling evolution of Stefan's character as he interviews celebrities.

The Stefan the stool expert’ campaign has ignited interest and enthusiasm for a category that has seen little innovation or excitement for a long while. Stefan has created new buzz in pharmacy and amongst consumers and Coloxyl sales have surged in response. The campaign launched at the start of May 2017. May was the largest sales month in 2 years. Views of Stefan the stool expert video in the first month: 1,359 views Across the KIIS radio network there have been: - 27,082 views of the first ‘On the Schtul with Stefan’ video featuring Lisa Oldfield. There are four more to come. - 6,622 article views, with an average time on page of 4 minutes 45 seconds "Consumer scan sales in the June QTR were the highest in the last 2 years" – Tim Small, Coloxyl Product Manager, Aspen Australia

At the heart of the campaign, a 60 second online video to introduce Stefan, stool expert, his range of stools and how Coloxyl works. Supporting components included morning radio (when bother around constipation is most acute); digital advertising to direct viewers to the video, in-store poster and display; rep-to-pharmacist tools; mobile responsive website with Stefan as the face of Coloxyl; a regular weekly video segment 'On the Schtul with Stefan' on Australia’s leading radio network facebook page and website, where Stefan interviews celebrities with a decidedly 'schtul' focus.

Strategy Own 'soft stools' and make them the answer to relieving constipation. Approach Not to act like a typical healthcare brand. Go out and educate by being entertaining and direct. Stefan the stool expert captures that elusive spot between humour and respect. One where he can educate, using correct terminology 'stools' without embarrassment and with a level of expertise. He even offers a mode of action story in an approachable way that's easy to understand.


Video URL