Product / ServiceFUNTEC
CategoryB02. Cars & Automotive
Entrant&C. Beijing, CHINA
Entrant Company &C. Beijing, CHINA
Advertising Agency &C. Beijing, CHINA


Name Company Position
Hiroaki Sugimoto &c. Inc VP
Masayuki Dougami &c. Inc Account Director
Ni Jianping Dentsu Rihai Associate Account Director
Peng Yamei &c. Inc Associate Account Director
Zhang Yiming &c. Inc Senior Account Manager
Zhao Ning &c. Inc Account Manager

Creative Execution

Through iDSP precision advertising delivery, we attract Honda’s consumers to its website. There we use &c.’s MediaChooser to monitor and record target audiences’ website visiting and ad watching data. This info is then fed into &c.’s iDMP where we analyse and crosscheck the data against iDMP collected cookies, in order to obtain information of the target audiences, such as population characteristics, media and creative preferences, cost to go online, activeness online and so on. Through multi-dimensional behaviour analysis, we are able to optimise both content and delivery strategies and raise overall KPI.

Exposure: 843 million (exceed KPI by 9%) Clicks: 10.41 million (exceed KPI by 11%) UV: 6.5 million (exceed KPI by 73%) CPM: US$2.53 (lower than industry average by 60%) CPC: US$0.21 (lower than industry average by 70%) CTR: 1.2% (higher than industry average by 100%) Due to the scientific and overall perfect system of PDCA, in the 71 days of the ad delivery, the delivery costs (CPA, CPV, CPU) continuously decreased. Third-party research (AdMaster-SurveyMaster) result shows, after delivery, all brand image indexes significant increased. FUNTEC awareness increased by 77%, brand preference increased 24%, and brand advancement awareness rose by 17%.

With our iDSP daily traffic of 7 billion PV, covering more than 90% of Chinese netizen cookies, we have a unique and massive database. We used this to help Honda identify consumer attention to automobiles and Honda, establishing Honda’s own Sudoku matrix. Further, we have precisely targeted 214 million consumers who pay particular attention to automobiles among a pool of 340 million young consumers.


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