CategoryF03. Use of Co-Creation & User Generated Content
EntrantISOBAR Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Entrant Company ISOBAR Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Advertising Agency ISOBAR Melbourne, AUSTRALIA


Name Company Position
Tom Berger Isobar Creative Director
Matt Sim Isobar Planning Manager
Sam Chappell Isobar Account Director
Luke Falkland-Brown Isobar Copywriter
Holly Langford Isobar Art Director

Creative Execution

#SEEKCV challenged the Twitter community to create a tweet CV that could easily be read in under 10 seconds. The idea was so simple. We just shared a few tips, and gave a little encouragement, and everyone quickly learned to cut the resume fat. Best of all, SEEK responded to each and every SEEK CV with a suitable listing, leading to some real job opportunities. After 5 days the best #SEEKCV was awarded $5,000 to help them pursue their career dreams.

While demonstrating how SEEK makes job hunting easier in a fun engaging way, the campaign smashed all of SEEK’s social media engagement numbers. They were so busy in fact that they had two full time staff responding to every #SEEKCV. In only 5 days and a $5k budget we achieved: 686 CVs, 12,594 interactions and 4.42% tweet engagement which is 300% higher than SEEK’s average. All that equaled 6.4 million impressions – more than twice the active Twitter users in Australia. Campaign and brand sentiment was also at an all-time high during #SEEKCV, with 86% positive sentiment and 9% neutral.

SEEK (Australia’s #1 job listing site) challenged us to demonstrate how they make the job hunting process easier, in an engaging way. The primary audience was candidates: those either looking for a job, or a change of one. The secondary audience was hirers: the ones that use SEEK to place jobs. We looked at our primary audience and realised the one thing they all have in common is a resume. But when we delved deeper we found that 70% of hirers only spend 90 seconds or less reading them. 17% only spend 30 seconds*. We needed a way to ensure hirers read a resume from top to bottom to give job hunters the best chance at an interview. Twitter was the perfect platform to reach and connect with active candidates and hirers. We came up with an idea that used Twitter’s character limit to its advantage.


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