Product / ServiceRETAIL
CategoryA09. Retail stores, restaurants & fast food outlets
Entrant180 CHINA Beijing, CHINA
Entrant Company 180 CHINA Beijing, CHINA
Advertising Agency 180 CHINA Beijing, CHINA
Production Company GWANTSI Beijing, CHINA


Name Company Position
Cheelip Ong 180china Executive Creative Director
Pengqi Li 180china Copywriter
Cheelip Ong 180china Copywriter
Jianrong Gui 180china Art Director

Brief Explanation

June 18th (6.18) is the 11th anniversary for JD.COM, China’s largest self-run online retailer. As part of their anniversary celebrations, JD.COM will offer price discounts across all the product categories on its website, starting from June 1st all the way till June 20th, with the promotions peaking up on its anniversary date. To create awareness for JD.COM’s anniversary sale, we created a TVC campaign called“618 Party On” to invite consumers to join in JD.COM’s massive birthday party celebrations. Our irreverent TVC campaign shows situations where different individuals start dancing with joy whenever they hear the words 618 being mentioned, even though their situation they are in are not worth celebrating about – such as hearing that the haze level has gone up to a PSI index of 618. The reason for them to get into the party mood is because they relate 618 to JD.COM’s birthday, which allow them to enjoy great cost savings.