Product / ServicePEDIGREE
CategoryA03. Best Product Launch/Re-launch/Shopper Marketing
EntrantBBDO Beijing, CHINA
Entrant Company:BBDO Beijing, CHINA
Sales Promotion/Advertising Agency:BBDO Beijing, CHINA


Name Company Position
Leong Wai Foong Bbdo Chief Creative Officer
Ng Tian It Bbdo Executive Creative Director
Xiao Kun Bbdo Creative Director/Art Director
Kelvin Leong Bbdo Creative Director/Art Director
Heng Yee Sin Bbdo Art Director
Li Fang Fang Bbdo Art Director
Cheah Im Im Bbdo Art Director
Kevin Le Bbdo Copywriter
Kit Ong Bbdo Copywriter
Criag Rosenthal Bbdo Copywriter
Scarlett Yan Bbdo Copywriter
Zhang Wei Bbdo Designer
Wang Jian Jun Bbdo Designer
Tobe Chen Bbdo Designer
Jason King Bbdo Planner
Koo Yeat Mung Bbdo General Manager
Juu Ann Chan Bbdo Account Director
Elaine Wang Bbdo Account Executive
Kenny Chai/Zhang Lu/Zhao Hao Grass Studio Photographer
Isaac Ray Thomas Rainshine Production Editor

The Brief

Pedigree wanted to communicate to their customers that it has the right kind of nutrition for dogs at every life phase. They wanted the communication to has an emotional connection because owners share a unique bond with their dogs. But dogs go through their lives receiving presents their owners think they want such as little funky shoes to keep their paws clean, clothes to keep them warm, gimmicky treats and toys. Dogs don't really want these. What they really want the most is to grow healthy.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

We accessed owners' dog information from an online dog club for their names, ages and recent pictures then replaced the Pedigree's model dog on the can with theirs with a birthday greeting. On the back, we also included a personalised message describing the can's nutritional contents that was suitable for the furry friend's age. All beautifully packed and delivered to the doorstep on the dog's birthday. Our long-term goal is send a personalised birthday can introducing Pedigree products every year to make sure every man's best friend stays healthy besides its buddy for a long, long, long time.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

To date, we have delivered 83,726 personalised birthday cans to dogs and their owners. • 21% increase in sales in the first month • 300% increase in brand awareness • 475 mentions in major press, magazines and more shared over pet websites • 52 Thank You cards from dog owners With this birthday surprise, Pedigree successfully communicated it has the right kind of nutrition for dogs at every life phase.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

How would anyone know what dogs really want, what they really need? Pedigree does, everything we do is for the love of dogs – from the dog food we make to the dog adoption drives we support.