Product / ServiceKISSAN KETCHUPS
CategoryC01. Integrated Campaign Led by Promo & Activation
Entrant Company:MINDSHARE Mumbai, INDIA
Sales Promotion/Advertising Agency:MINDSHARE Mumbai, INDIA


Name Company Position
Baljeet Singh Group M Media India Pvt Ltd Manager
Anagha Ingle Group M Media India Pvt Ltd Manager
Shan Jain Group M Media India Pvt Ltd Principal Partner
Brajesh Dwivedi Group M Media India Pvt Ltd Partner
Nilanjan Bhattacharyya Group M Media India Pvt Ltd Business Director
Devendra Deshpande Group M Media India Pvt Ltd Partner
Sneha Group M Media India Pvt Ltd Group Head
Rajesh Rao Group M Media India Pvt Ltd Business Group Head

The Brief

Consumers don’t differentiate between ketchups and sauces, causing Kissan Ketchups to lose its relevance among consumers, who were switching to other discount players. Kissan needed to differentiate and inspire consumer preference by strengthening its imagery on ‘made from 100% real tomatoes”. The task had three key objectives: • Establish that’s Kissan Ketchup is made from 100% Real Tomatoes • Convince mums that Kissan is a champion for Happy Growth for their child • Drive preference and induce purchase

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

Our solution was Kissanpur (Kissan Farm) - a unique campaign that engaged mothers and children by encouraging them to grow their own tomato plants and create the “World’s first crowd sourced Tomato Farm”. The idea was seeded through a print innovation by distributing real tomato seeds. The engagement happened on the digital platform and schools encouraging kids to take 100% realness pledge. Finally, we invited kids to bring their tomato plants to an on-ground location and created real Kissanpur in the center of Mumbai city. Top 100 kids were given customized Kissan bottles made from their own grown tomatoes.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

Brand: - Attribute ownership on ‘made from 100% real tomatoes’ with 49% Share of Endorsement - Market share increased by 180 bps (1.8 %) at All India in 3 months - Consumption grew by 700 bps (7%) - 31% value and 23% volume growth in 3 months - 8.5 million consumers reached through media - 2nd most trended topic on Twitter during campaign launch - 191,297 unique visits to - Consumer: - 2.5 million seeds distributed - 125,000 children and their parents engaged online, at schools and outdoor events. - 150,000 new fans on the Kissan Facebook page

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

Kissanpur brought alive the philosophy that induced so much passion in its consumers that they grabbed any piece of land available, even in their little homes, and converted that into their own spot to experience 100% realness. But the real difference it made in the life of our consumers was to allow them to experience, quite literally, the fruits of their efforts! – The top hundred kids were gratified and gifted their own Kissan Ketchup bottle from their own grown tomato with their name and photograph on the ketchup bottle.