Product / ServiceWINDOWS AZURE
CategoryB04. Business Products & Services
EntrantWunderman International Gurgaon , INDIA
Entrant Company:Wunderman International Gurgaon, INDIA
Advertising/Web Design Agency:Wunderman International Gurgaon, INDIA


Name Company Position
Indrajeet Bose Wunderman International Creative Director
Supreet Mahanti Wunderman International Creative Director
Ashish Prasad Wunderman International Associate Creative Director
Shashwat Srivastava Wunderman International Group Head - Copy
Bhavna Kapur Wunderman International Business Director
Rahul Guha Wunderman International Managing Director
Tapan Khurana Wunderman International Account Manager

Brief Explanation

Who Leads Tomorrow How do you get developers in startups to try Microsoft’s new application development platform? You challenge them to a contest to see who comes up with the best, most innovative, problem-solving, app on the Cloud. And pit them against some of the best developers in the world. Who Leads Tomorrow was the contest to promote Windows Azure. This banner worked as a reminder to developers who hadn’t already enrolled for the contest. It received 42,919 clicks from 8,081,515 impressions. Total end actions generated were 96 and it led to 17 out of a total of 413 registrations.