Product / ServiceKAJU GUMMI
CategoryD01. Integrated Digital Campaign
Entrant Company:TYO ID DIVISION Tokyo, JAPAN
Advertising/Web Design Agency:TYO ID DIVISION Tokyo, JAPAN


Name Company Position
Eisuke Iwabuchi YOMIKO Advertising Creative Director
Rinako Ota YOMIKO Advertising Copy& Scenario Writer
Roy Ryo Tsukiji Birdman Art Director /Planner /Director
Wookie Choi Birdman Designer
Nao Kawakami YOMIKO Advertising Scenario Writer
Ai Shibata YOMIKO Advertising Scenario Writer
634 Shinomoto Shorcut8 Scenario Writer
Kiyoko Shinmura Shorcut8 Scenario Writer
Koichi Takahashi Birdman Programmer
Ryo Ota Hakuhodo DY Intersolutions Producer
Yusuke Ueda TYO ULTRA unit. Producer
Kazuhiro Nii Birdman Producer
Eri Horihata YOMIKO Advertising Project Manager
Kanako Kitajima Hakuhodo DY Intersolutions Project Manager
Junichi Saito TYO ID Div. Project Manager
Tomoya Takahashi Birdman Flasher
Kazuya Watanabe YOMIKO Advertising Animation Producer
Masao Maruyama MADHOUSE Animation Producer
Yukinori Nakayama Music Producer

Brief Explanation

Originally a story from a TVCM, "Megumi & Taiyo" jumped out the world of TV to Social media. Megumi and Taiyo have their own accounts on Twitter and tweet about themselves and how they think of each other. Users can communicate with Taiyo via Twitter and give him advices on how to work it out with Megumi. In a matter of a month, +10,000 retweets and replies were made to Taiyo by 10,000 users. Eventually, the story finale was aired online, which displayed the twitter users involved in creating the plot (ie. followers' names, icons, tweets)