CategoryC03. Challenger Brand Strategy
EntrantDDB MUDRA Mumbai, INDIA
Idea Creation DDB MUDRA Mumbai, INDIA


Name Company Position
Rahul Mathew DDB Mudra Group Thinking, writing, execution
Pallavi Chakravarti DDB Mudra Group Thinking, writing, execution
Tushar Sawant DDB Mudra Group Thinking, Art Direction
Vinay Singh DDB Mudra Group Thinking, Writing the script.
Yashima Yadav DDB Mudra Group Thinking, Art Direction
Prasad Masekar DDB Mudra Group Art Direction
Shreya Acharya DDB Mudra Group Thinking, writing, execution
Anand Murty DDB Mudra Group Strategic thinking
Sanchari Chakrabarty DDB Mudra Group Strategic thinking
Ketan Rambhia DDB Mudra Group Strategic thinking
Ankita Choudhary DDB Mudra Group Strategic thinking
Shesha Shukla DDB Mudra Group Strategic thinking
Anurag Tandon DDB Mudra Group Business Management
Nishant Saurabh DDB Mudra Group Business Management
Aaradhee Mehta DDB Mudra Group Business Management
Megha Jaiswal DDB Mudra Group Business Management
Spriha Walia DDB Mudra Group Business Management
Riddhi Mehta DDB Mudra Group Film & Production
Aditya Kanthy DDB Mudra Group CEO


In India, menstruation has been a taboo subject across households for centuries. The older generation grew up in a culture where talking about menstruation was met with strong resistance. It is this silence that stigmatizes periods and does not let society accept it for what it actually is – a natural process. It reflects in data too - according to multiple reports by organizations like Dasra and United Nations, less than 10% of Indian women are aware of even the basics of their menstrual cycle & menstrual hygiene, and 71% of adolescent girls are unaware of periods before menarche. Stayfree's objective is to encourage everyone to learn about it. To talk about it. And in turn, to make young girls feel comfortable about their periods. Thereby, debunking pervasive taboos and normalizing periods in India – for young girls and for everyone shaping their lives.


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