Product / Service | ED TECH PLATFORM |
Category | B01. Use of TV & Other Screens |
Entrant | BBDO INDIA Mumbai, INDIA |
Idea Creation | BBDO INDIA Mumbai, INDIA |
Media Placement | M/SIX Mumbai, INDIA |
Production | R.A.T FILMS Delhi, INDIA |
Additional Company | WHITEHAT JR Ground Floor, Chromium, Jogeshwari - Vik, INDIA |
Name | Company | Position |
Josy Paul | BBDO India Pvt. Ltd | Creative |
Akashneel Dasgupta | BBDO India Pvt. Ltd | Creative |
Shinjini Banerjee | BBDO India Pvt. Ltd | Creative |
Jagpal Singh | BBDO India Pvt. Ltd | Creative |
Parents in India spend time watching content that resonates with themselves on the other screens. In fact the other screen has taken precedence over Television as it has spoilt viewer's for choice. #CreateLikeAChild as a movement was triggered on on YouTube with a social experiment film. YouTube became the default choice as it is the only platform which boasts of the highest time spent by our audiences.
Background Situation and brief WhiteHat Jr founded in 2019 was the first to teach coding (programming languages) to kids ( 6-14 age) it is often credited with developing this niche in India’s fast-growing EdTech market. What should have been a smooth-sailing ride for WhiteHat Jr after getting acquired by EdTech giant Byju’s in 2020, turned out to be a rocky one. WHJ found itself in the eye of a social media storm, when its campaign received flak from the parents over the controversial marketing campaign featuring a nine-year-old kid named Wolf Gupta, who bagged a USD 20 million package from tech titan Google after he learned to code. The campaign was accused of ridding kids of their childhood by promising unrealistic rewards at a vulnerable age. Brief and Objectives How do we earn some much needed brand love and ultimately convert them into registrations. 1. Maximize daily registrations
Creative Idea WhiteHat Jr #CreateLikeaChild Inspire a makers movement rooted in our brands purpose and empower a generation to express their natural destiny to create. Because when children create something they gain confidence to remain creators for life. Insight: ‘Children lose their creativity and uniqueness as they age!’
Our Audience Tech-Sceptic parents With lockdown came disproportionate screen time for kids- be it work or play everything was online. Parents were apprehensive about the effects of technology on learning and outcomes. Insight: ‘Children lose their creativity and uniqueness as they age!’ The purpose of WhiteHat Jr was to nurture this ‘natural creativity’ amongst kids through coding. The focus of the program was on ‘building’ not instructional learning unlike the category. STRATEGY Amplify the ‘Why’ of the brand – ‘Making kids creator for life!’ Create brand love for WhiteHat Jr by shifting parents perception about coding and technology! 1. Humanise learning coding / math through ‘ MAKING’ and appropriate the age when the kid peaks creativity. Media planning: Media data revealed that maximum time spent by our tech skeptic parents was ironically on social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram and entertainment sites such as Youtube.
The movement was launched with a social experiment that highlighted the difference between the young creators and the parents and celebrated the truth that children were born to create, imagine and make. We got a group of children and their parents together and gave them a playful project. They had to use the materials in front of them and draw whatever that came to the mind when the heard the word ‘alien’. While the parents and children sat back-to-back without a view of what the other did, each of them were given time to explain their own masterpiece and their thinking behind it. The moment of realization for the parents was the free spirited, free flowing imaginative and extremely creative possibilities their children had come up with and how starkly different it was from theirs. The film was a long format film which was launched on digital and social media
Against the objectives we set 1. Maximize visibility for the campaign: The campaign organically achieved 1 million views and tugged the heart of millions of parents 2. Increase the average monthly registrations from 5500 by at least 20%. We achieved a 27% increase in average monthly registrations (7000)