Product / ServiceSIM AND OFFERS
CategoryB08. Use of Mobile & Devices
Idea Creation MEDIACOM Jakarta, INDONESIA
Media Placement MEDIACOM Jakarta, INDONESIA


Name Company Position
Jayesh Shivdasani Adcolony Creative ideation

Why is this work relevant for Media?

This isn’t the first time Smartfren utilized mobile ad technology in its marketing efforts for a new product/promotion. Last year, mobile ad technology helped build awareness of its 1ON+ internet plan during Ramadan. Pleased with the campaign’s results, which garnered 274M impressions and 21M video views, Smartfren decided to further explore the power of mobile (digital media) this year, specifically cross-device mobile innovation to build engagement with its target audience.


Smartfren wanted to increase brand consideration and engagement. With these objectives, Smartfren launched a campaign that would not only advertise its Extra Unlimited Malam package, but also strengthen consumer relationships by bringing the message #RamadanExtraFaedah. Recognizing the appeal of emotionally-charged events, the campaign would take place during one of the most important festivals in Indonesia: the month of Ramadan. Normally a social time, where fasting and reflection during daylight hours often give way to sumptuous meals and lively evening gatherings, Ramadan festivities were hampered by social restrictions tied to the Covid-19 pandemic. Indonesian were unable to go out or travel to their home provinces to celebrate Ramadan with their families, but with Smartfren’s Unlimited package, a global pandemic isn’t going to keep them from connecting. Smartfren collaborated with rising internet celebrities to give its users a wake-up call and remind them to prepare for sahur, their last meal before sunrise.

Describe the creative idea / insights (30% of vote)

To strengthen its relationship with consumers, used an interactive RMB that simulated the experience of getting an actual “wake-up call” from their favorite Indonesian stars. Throughout the campaign, three mobile ad units (a.k.a. celeb video calls) were created. The first video call, which featured Anya Geraldine, was deployed from April 28-May 12 at 1am-4am to wake users up and remind them to prepare for sahur—their last meal before beginning their day-long fasts after sunrise. The next two calls were deployed 24/7 week following Eid al-Fitr, the Feast of Breaking the Fast. Employing a cross-targeting strategy, the video calls came from both Anya and Arief, with the mobile ad featuring Anya solely deployed to male audiences and Arief’s video call to the female segment. With Eid al-Fitr often considered a day of forgiveness, the celebrities encouraged consumers to forgive those who have wronged them and celebrate Eid al-Fitr with Smartfren.

Describe the strategy (20% of vote)

Utilized YT, OTT and Audio with relevant targeting to create an impact; Considering high audience indexing, Social and Search as AON. Used in-app programmatic ads and created a unique innovative countdown timer that enticed users to start their browsing session at midnight and leverage sahur extra faedah offer. Brand engaged in creative optimization based on time of day. The first creative was countdown based which ran from 5.01am - 12.59am. This timer counted down until the time when users would start waiting for Sahur. In parallel, used an interactive RMB that simulated the experience of getting an actual “wake-up call” from their favorite Indonesian stars. Deployed from April 28-May 12 at 1am-4am to wake users up and remind them to prepare for sahur—their last meal before beginning their day-long fasts after sunrise.

Describe the execution (20% of vote)

The campaign was launched with a 360 campaign strategy along with the message #RamadanExtraFaedah, including podcasts, social media marketing, a press conference with its two partner celebrities, and OOH activities. Through this campaign, consumers were still able to continue to connect with their families and friends despite having to stay at home due to the pandemic with a series of activities titled #RamadanExtraFaedah. To boost brand consideration and engagement, Smartfren invested 95% of the total campaign budget to leverage on mobile advertising technology. The mobile campaign was conceptualised to simulate actual video calls with Indonesian celebrities, which were strategically delivered to users’ mobile phones during the sahur hours, and on the week of Eid al-Fitr. The unifying message was to encourage its consumers to sign up for the Extra Unlimited Malam package to stay connected with their families and friends during Ramadan.

List the results (30% of vote)

When target audiences “received” their video calls from Indonesian celebrities Anya Geraldine and Arief Muhammad, a whopping 58% chose to “accept the call”. Unsurprisingly, engagement was delivered in spades: the engagement rate of 4.68% exceeded the benchmark of 0.5 to 3%. With the click through rate an impressive 1.97%—far from the benchmark of 0.8%—Smartfren was able to generate a whopping total traffic of 743,000 to their website. Brand consideration was stellar as Smartfren really managed to convince consumers of the importance of keeping in touch with their families and friends during Ramadan, particularly during the hours of sahur so they can partake in their meals together. Brand awareness experienced an uplift of 1% during Ramadan (vs. January-April 2021) while ad awareness exhibited a 3% increase during the same period.


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