CategoryC02. Outdoor
EntrantDDB Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Idea Creation DDB Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Media Placement PHD Sydney, AUSTRALIA


Name Company Position
Tommy Cehak DDB Group Sydney Creative Director
Tim Woolford DDB Group Sydney Creative Director
Tom Lawrence DDB Group Sydney Copywriter
Samuel Raftl DDB Group Sydney Art Director

Cultural / Context information for the jury

We were tasked with launching the new Volkswagen Tiguan with an OOH campaign focusing on its helpful driver assistance technology like pedestrian detection and lane assist. In a market that was dominated by parity product and car advertising cliches, we had to find a new and far less traditional way to capture people’s attention and remain competitive with a smaller budget than our competitors.

Tell the jury about the illustration.

In the style of a classic horror film poster, the illustration depicts a common fear that drivers have when it comes to the road, and how the new Tiguan can help alleviate it thanks to its safety technology. To bring this insight to life we worked with an acclaimed film poster designer to remain painstakingly faithful to the horror film genre. Every horror poster trope was considered and reinterpreted to be relevant to the idea. From the pithy copy line used to stoke fear and excitement, to the classic billing block which we reinterpreted to describe the cars technology, and even the movie studio logos area which we created custom logos for based on the cars technology.