Product / ServiceTHUMSUP
CategoryA01. Direction
Idea Creation OGILVY Gurgaon, INDIA
Production GOOD MORNING Mumbai, INDIA
Post Production GOOD MORNING Mumbai, INDIA


Name Company Position
Ritu Sharda Ogilvy Chief Creative

Write a short summary of what happens in the film.

The film takes us through the journey of a young boy fulfilling his dreams of being a wrestler while taking on his naysayers along the way. Bajrang gets turned down in the beginning but he doesn’t let that affect him. He takes it on as a challenge and continues his journey. While he fights his opponents, the opponent turns out to visually become his naysayers. We see him physically taking on his naysayers to show us the mental strength used to fight his real opponents. He uses those emotions to his benefit and uses them in his sport where he eventually represents the country in Tokyo Olympics 2020.

Tell the jury anything relevant about the direction. Do not name the director.

It is a film that shows an extremely physical sport but to address the mental strength required to play this sport is the catch. Wrestling looks like a game that would only depend on physical strength and that’s where this film shows its way more than that. To visually show the opponent turning in to all the people who were against the boy and then fighting against those people and winning is in itself proving them all wrong. That is a win that goes way beyond a physical level of strength.


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