Title | CASTAWAY |
Product / Service | MUTUAL FUNDS |
Category | A05. Consumer Services / Business to Business |
Entrant | TBWA\INDIA Mumbai, INDIA |
Idea Creation | TBWA\INDIA Mumbai, INDIA |
Production | TBWA\INDIA Mumbai, INDIA |
Name | Company | Position |
Parixit Bhattacharya | TBWA India | Creative Director |
Sourabh Pathak | TBWA India | Writer |
A tea stall is seen in the middle of a jungle. An old man who looks like, he was lost in the forest for more than 30 years, approaches the tea stall. The tea stall owner notices a bag full of cash with the old man. The tea stall owner, out of courtesy advises the old man to deposit the cash in a savings account. The old man cannot believe that he is giving him an advise to invest in old ways and even asks the tea stall owner’s wife, “was he lost in the jungle too?”
Investing in fixed deposits is the most popular investment habit. We needed to create dissonance in the minds of this risk averse investor who blindly parks their money in FDs. An outdated method of investing that keeps their money stranded for years. IDFC Mutual Funds' #PaisoKoRokoMat (Don't stop your money) campaign was a call to action. A tongue-in-cheek investor awareness campaign, it underlines the fact there are dynamic, modern ways to invest your money than to deposit it someplace "good". It highlights the classic error made by a country of savers that doesn't allow money to grow to its full potential. What makes the 2-film campaign memorable is the eccentric cast of characters bringing unexpected stories to life. Offering a third person perspective that makes the viewer chuckle while at the same time making them question their own unchanging attitude towards money.