Brand | DOVE |
Product / Service | DOVE |
Category | G07. Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility |
Entrant | FORSMAN & BODENFORS Shanghai, CHINA |
Idea Creation | FORSMAN & BODENFORS Shanghai, CHINA |
Production | CENTRAL STUDIOS Shanghai, CHINA |
Name | Company | Position |
Jeffrey Chow | Forsman & Bodenfors | Production management |
Douglas Lin | Forsman & Bodenfors | Strategic Planning and client management |
Sherry Shi | Forsman & Bodenfors | Creative idea develop and evaluate and copy writing |
Sue Su | Forsman & Bodenfors | Strategic Planning |
Yangwei Wu | Forsman & Bodenfors | Creative idea/visual develop and evaluate |
Bella Zhao | Forsman & Bodenfors | Project management and client management |
We interviewed everyday women in China and recorded their real daily behaviors when taking and posting “selfies”. Through real conversations we learned their stories, and the pressures of modern appearances anxiety. We then discovered a “special” non-edit photo - something which captures their real beauty and helped remind them that digital distortion isn’t required to showcase their unique beauty and confidence. The unscripted and authentic real emotional reactions, encouraged them to demonstrate their own uniqueness, with Dove’s real beauty spirit, this time without any retouching or filters.
Today, increasingly unrealistic beauty standards showcased in social media channels along with technology enabling digital distortion is having an adverse psychological effects on women everywhere. Dove’s purpose is to inspire women to be positive by understanding real beauty comes from underneath. This film helps Chinese women rediscover our own confidence thru a childhood photo recalling the moments where confidence and beauty were not subject to external influential voices feeding our own internal doubts. Evoking joy, and inspiring and reminding us how beautiful we are when we are confident in own beauty.