Title | POPCORN |
Product / Service | PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE |
Category | A02. OTC Applications |
Additional Company | UNILEVER ASIA Singapore, SINGAPORE |
Name | Company | Position |
Sheng Jin Ang | MullenLowe Singapore | Executive Creative Director |
Daniel Kee | MullenLowe Singapore | Executive Creative Director |
Meryke Naude | MullenLowe Singapore | Creative Director |
Alex Tan | MullenLowe Singapore | Head of Art |
Claudius Keng | MullenLowe Singapore | Art Director |
Ernest Chin | MullenLowe Singapore | Copywriter |
Sanjai Srivastava | MullenLowe Singapore | Global Business Director |
Louisa Cheong | MullenLowe Singapore | Account Director |
Benny Tadarusno | MullenLowe Indonesia | Senior Account Executive |
Fien Juharyati | MullenLowe Indonesia | Head of Project Management |
In Indonesia, advertisements and publications of health-care & wellness facilities must meet the requirements set forth in Ministry of Health regulations; statements must: Contain accurate facts. Be based on evidence. Be informative and educational. Be responsible. Our campaign adheres to the above rules and regulations.
Public. Despite being one of the fastest-growing economies, Indonesia remains a country with one of the lowest literacy levels in Southeast Asia, and one plagued with inequality in access to health and dental services. This work addresses the need for highly-accessible messaging that advocates for preventive, self oral care.
Despite being one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, Indonesia remains a country with one of the lowest literacy levels in Southeast Asia, and one plagued with a longstanding inequality in access to health and dental services. This problem is clearly evident in Indonesia’s worrying dental health statistics. On average, every child has five cavities, while almost half the population have active dental caries. To communicate the importance of preventive oral care, we reframed the fact that simple sugars in food are a common cause of cavities, and turned it into a series where the snacks people eat end up eating away at their teeth. To break through the clutter in the highly homogeneous oral care category, we took a distinctive, graphical approach that used facts and the charm of simple, cartoonish antagonists to depict cavities. These eye-catching designs draw the eye, before revealing the source of the cavity.