Product / ServiceMENTAL HEALTH
CategoryC01. Corporate Image & Communication
EntrantBBDO CHINA Shanghai, CHINA
Idea Creation BBDO CHINA Shanghai, CHINA


Name Company Position
Wai Foong Leong BBDO China Chairman and Chief Creaive Offcier, Greater China
Aricio Fortes BBDO China Chief Creative Officer
Kelvin Leong BBDO China Executive Creative Director
Mukund Olety BBDO China Group Creative Director
Jian Zhong Tam BBDO China Creative Director
Tom Mangione BBDO China Creative Director
Jori Liu BBDO China Art Director
Eric Xu BBDO China Art Director
Naokao Liu BBDO China Art Director

Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare/RX/Pharma communications in your country/region including:


Describe the target audience and why your work is relevant to them.

In China, over 100 million workers suffer from various mental illnesses. Around 16 million are believed to be severely affected by their condition. It was critical for CEO Roundtable to do this campaign targeting big Chinese corporations, to promote practices that can spot hidden signs of mental health issues.

Cultural/Context information for the jury

China is an all-seeing state. It has the largest and most sophisticated camera surveillance systems. Cameras with artificial intelligence are in widespread use. They can read faces, estimate age, ethnicity and gender. They can match your face with your car license plate. It can match you with your relatives or the people you are in touch with. Same goes for companies. Many companies use data to track how many times employees pause or take breaks during work. They also know everything workers do while in the company, they record their internet usage, calendars, time allocation per project, etc. In spite of access to all this huge data, companies still know nothing about their employees’ mental health. It’s estimated that China has 100 million workers with mental health issues.

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