Product / ServiceLIFE INSURANCE
CategoryA09. Consumer Services / Business to Business
EntrantFINCH Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
Idea Creation ASSIGNMENT Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
Production FINCH Auckland, NEW ZEALAND


Name Company Position
Naomi Ballantyne Partners Life Managing Director
Tony Arthur Partners Life Chief Sales Officer
Kris Ballantyne Partners Life GM Marketing & Product
Nicolette Rugg Partners Life Marketing Manager
Gerhard Van Grann Partners Life Marketing Assistant
Phillip Andrew Assignment Executive Creative Director
James Henderson Assignment Art Director
Christopher Appelros Assignment Writer
Marty Gray Assignment Producer
Matt Kingston Assignment Planner
Tracey Potter Assignment Planner
Corey Esse FINCH Managing Director
Karen Bryson FINCH Executive Producer
Derin Seale FINCH Director
Sarah Cook FINCH Producer
Drew Thompson ARC EDIT Editor
Olivia Carolan ARC EDIT Producer
Mick Watson Blackbird VFX
Nicholas Ponzoni Blackbird Creative Director
Bonnie Wilkson Smith Blackbird Producer
Nerissa Kavanagh Blackbird Executive Producer / MD

Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Imagining a day when you’re not around is a hard thing to do but one day you’ll wish you had more time to get organised because no one knows how far through life they’re going to get. A refreshingly honest picture delivered in a funny, thought-provoking way.