Product / ServiceCSR
CategoryA01. Art Direction
EntrantADK Tokyo, JAPAN
Idea Creation ADK Tokyo, JAPAN
Production SUN Tokyo, JAPAN


Name Company Position
Mari Hosokawa ADK Creative One Creative Director
Taishi Inuki ADK Marketing Solutions Art Director
Masaru Kobayashi SUN CO.,LTD. Art Director
Ayaka Kato SUN CO.,LTD. Designer

Cultural/Context information for the jury

Toyama Prefecture is located in northwestern Japan. In earthquake-plagued Japan, Toyama has experienced very little seismic activity. In the past 1,000 years, a quake with an intensity of 6.0 or more has been recorded only one time, in 1858. Actually believing the legend that the surrounding Tateyama Mountain Range will absorb the seismic energy in the event of an earthquake, Toyama Prefecture citizens have very low awareness of disaster preparation. On the other hand, Toyama has an “A ranking,” a high probability of an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 or more within the next 30 years. For Toyama Prefecture, earthquakes aren’t necessarily something that happens “somewhere else.”

Translation. Provide a full English translation of any text.

-OPENING SPRED- (Tagline) Earthquakes of the past have always been in ‘some other prefecture.’ (Body) A natural disaster has the capacity to instantly deprive people of the beautiful scenery they know and love. Are the citizens of Toyama Prefecture fully confronting the fear they have seen and heard so many times before? Do you really believe that it’s somebody else’s problem, and 'Toyama will be fine?’ Such lack of preparedness may result in serious damage if disaster strikes. We're deeply concerned. We want to prevent tragedy from being etched into this beautiful natural environment, even today. As your local newspaper, THE KITANIPPON NEWSPAPER believes it is our role to deliver this message to you. Toyama Prefecture, be prepared. THE KITANIPPON NEWSPAPER Co., Ltd. -INNER SPRED- (Tagline) Let’s have the courage to write about a future that isn’t supposed to happen. (Body) It is predicted that an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 or higher in Toyama Prefecture would cause at least 6,000 casualties.*1 It is estimated that some areas would be impacted by a tsunami of more than 6 meters within just a few minutes.*2 Crumbling river banks caused by heavy local rainfall could cause floodwaters up to 3 meters deep around Toyama Station.*3 In recent times, natural disasters have occurred in unexpected places all over Japan. Even in Toyama, where natural disasters are said to be uncommon, a lack of preparedness could lead to enormous damage. That's why sometimes we need to face this reality and to voice our concerns. We will continue to disseminate information intended to keep people safe. It's not just about the physical damage, it's about what comes after: the magnitude of what we stand to lose and the sorrow and anger of our citizens. It's a future that we hope to never have to write about. THE KITANIPPON NEWSPAPER will continue to use the written word for disaster prevention. *1 Predicted in the event of an earthquake of M7.2 in the western Tonami Plain fault zone. Source: Toyama Earthquake Damage Survey (FY2017) *2 Predicted in the event of an M7.4 earthquake in the Kurehayama fault zone Source: Toyama Prefecture Simulation Survey (FY2017) *3 Estimated water depth in the event of the largest conceivable rainfall in the Jinzu River drainage area. Source: Toyama Prefecture Flood Inundation Area Map (FY2018) Toyama Prefecture, be prepared. THE KITANIPPON NEWSPAPER Co., Ltd.