TitleBEAST 2
Product / ServiceAMG GT
CategoryA03. Illustration
EntrantBBDO CHINA Shanghai, CHINA
Idea Creation BBDO CHINA Shanghai, CHINA
Production ZOMBIE STUDIO São Paulo, BRAZIL


Name Company Position
Wai Foong Leong BBDO China Chairman and Chief Creaive Offcier, Greater China
Aricio Fortes BBDO China Chief Creative Officer
Mukund Olety BBDO China Group Creative Director
Jack Goh BBDO China Associate Creative Director
Kelvin Leong BBDO China Executive Creative Director
Jian Zhong Tam BBDO China Creative Director
Lucia Tan BBDO China Art Director
Cheng Zhang BBDO China Copywriter
Cathy Ren BBDO China Copywriter
Daniel Salles ZOMBIE Studio Creative Lead

Cultural/Context information for the jury

The Mercedes-AMG GT is a beast on the road. In China, Mercedes-AMG was launching the 4-door edition of the GT for the very first time. The beast was now family friendly.

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