Product / ServiceLUXGEN
CategoryE01. Social for Mobile
Entrant Company GROUPM CHINA Shanghai, CHINA
Media Agency GROUPM CHINA Shanghai, CHINA

Creative Execution

The campaign launched on Wechat, China's biggest mobile social platform with high coverage and usage frequency. People should first follow the official Wechat account to join in the activity, and win a U-coin everyday by checking in. They could get more coins by sharing and spreading this activity. In this way, we attracted more people to join. All pages will lead to the test drive page in the end. Changing U-coin into an exchange code, people could get a gift at store or for purchase fund. Or they could use the U-coin to join lucky draw for random gift.

Order: Conversion to sales:the number of consumer exchanging U-coin for purchase fund: 4,583 (Over prediction 31%) Fans: The number of fans of U6 account on we-chat increase 10.5 times (total:36,006)(before:3,484)

Luxgen flagship model U6 is a new automobile in the market. Luxgen has lesser popularity in China and hence lesser cut through rate among consumers. How do we create a desire to introduce a brand and a product? Our approach took advantage of two psychological phenomena: the natural tendency for people to seek rewards, and the fact that people have an insatiable curiosity when faced with uncertain rewards. We developed a virtual currency to reward interaction with the brand, and we allowed this currency to be exchanged for random prizes. Mobile was the best platform to connect with our always-on target audience.


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