Product / ServiceDOUBLEMINT
CategoryA04. Innovative Technology for Mobile
Entrant Company PROXIMITY CHINA Guangzhou, CHINA
Advertising Agency PROXIMITY CHINA Guangzhou, CHINA
Media Agency STARCOM Guangzhou, CHINA


Name Company Position
Kevin Lynch BBDO Guangzhou Executive Creative Director
Ciff Luk Proximity China Creative Director
Wayne Deng Proximity China Associate Creative Director
Mia Lin Proximity China Senior Copy Writer
Bird Xie Proximity China Senior Art Director
Fin Hao Proximity China Assocate Art Director
Nimbus Yang Proximity China Account Director
Lily Fang Proximity China Account Executive
Elaine Qi Proximity China Account Executive

Creative Execution

In China, WeChat is the fastest-growing social platform in the world. With over 600 million users, WeChat was the perfect digital partner to create a whole new solution. Doublemint became the first brand to use WeChat's built-in scanning function to make connecting with people easier than ever.Now, consumers can scan the barcode on any Doublemint gum package, and they'll receive 50 MB of free mobile data, to stay connected with old friends and make connections with new ones.

Within the first month of the campaign, nearly 2 million people participated into the campaign. The buzz generated almost 400 million media impressions, worth 3 times the media spend. Most significantly, over 2,000,000MB of data was used to fulfill Doublemint's brand mission of helping people a whole new way. By repurposing the iconic barcode as a new portal for interactions, Doublemint created a groundbreaking new digital channel that can benefit every consumer...not to mention, every brand on the shelf.

Doublemint had a massive distribution, covering over 2 million locations and over 90% of China. This gave the brand a strong real-world presence. What it needed was a stronger connection to the digital world. And without the ability to alter packaging to link the two, the solution needed to be innovative…


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