Product / ServiceLIFEBUOY
CategoryD01. Use of Integrated Media
Media Agency MINDSHARE Mumbai, INDIA
Entrant Company MINDSHARE Mumbai, INDIA
Media Agency 2 MINDSHARE Mumbai, INDIA


Name Company Position
Nidhi Sabharwal Mindshare India Account Manager
Vineet Nair Mindshare India Sr. Director
Amit Mantri Mindshare India Sr. Director
Virendra Bapardekar Mindshare India Partner
Vinish Matthews Mindshare India Principal Partner - Client Leadership

Brief Explanation

Ramadan as observed across the world, is the most important month for the 180 million Muslims in India – observed by abstaining from food & drink during the day and breaking the fast (IFTAR) together with family in the evening. In the hurry to break their fast, people often forget to wash their hands. Hence to drive relevance with this population, we created the campaign “Before IFTAR time is Lifebuoy time”, through which we wanted to achieve - 50% increase in off-take in the selected catchments. - 100 BPS increase in endorsements on “Protection against GERMS”

Results and Effectiveness

A total 1.5 million MMSs & 4.5 million SMSs were sent out by Lifebuoy during this campaign. This dynamic approach helped us in not only achieve our objectives but saw some unprecedented business results too in our target market - Driving Share of endorsements on “Effectively protects from GERMS” increased by 200 BPS - The same period saw an unprecedented increase in primary off take by 382% Thus we not only achieved our business results but were able to drive the required habit change.

Creative Execution

We contextualized everyday IFTAR time with Lifebuoy messaging with largest Urdu newspapers. A revolutionary technology– MMS 2.0, allowed us to deliver 1.5 million Lifebuoy MMS just 5 minutes before IFTAAR on all mobile phone users (including non- data enabled feature phones). All mosques and big eateries were covered through outdoor and mobile HAND WASHING canters. In eateries, we created reminder placards on every table and every food container for home delivery was branded with the same message. Lastly we partnered with influential media houses on TV and Print through editorials and content interventions to further reinforce Lifebuoy message.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

The single most cause of germinal infection is eating food without washing hands. With IFTAR being the biggest occasion fostering unity amongst Muslims, this was a perfect opportunity for Lifebuoy, the world’s # 1 GERM PROTECTION soap to reinforce its message of washing hands before eating. Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state is home to almost 40 million Muslims in India (maximum anywhere in India). It also happens to be Lifebuoy’s biggest market, any movement will have an overall impact of Lifebuoy sales. Hence we picked Uttar Pradesh to heighten hygiene awareness during the biggest religious occasion for Muslims.