Product / ServiceROAD SAFETY
CategoryB02. Use of Mobile Devices
EntrantOMD Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
Media Agency OMD Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
Entrant Company OMD Wellington, NEW ZEALAND


Name Company Position
Erik Hay Clemenger BBDO Senior Copywriter
Brigid Alkema Clemenger BBDO Creative Director
Matt McNeil OMD Managing Partner
Will Innes OMD Digital Planner/Buyer
Hnery Lyons OMD Digital Planner
Linda Major Clemenger BBDO Director of Social Marketing

Brief Explanation

50,000 young New Zealander's admit to driving stoned. They don't want to hear marijuana slows reactions and makes driving dangerous. When they hear it from Government they tune out immediately. They don’t think they are taking a risk driving after smoking a 'Tinny' (New Zealand slang for a cannabis joint). They think they are a better driver when stoned – cautious and chilled. The NZ Transport Agency needed a way to get them interested and invested, so they would consider the message. Our challenge set was to engage 10% of them and show the dangers of driving stoned

Results and Effectiveness

A massive 10,000 hard to reach 'stoners' not only added ‘Tinnyvision’ but 98% viewed all the snaps to their dramatic end through the whole day. Driving this take up was our seeded media with thousands of likes, shares and comments, none of whom revealed the ending. One post sums up the huge response: "I laughed, then I gasped, then I got the message, AWESOM" Reducing Drug Driving is a long-term behaviour change programme. Tinnyvision has helped get us to the start line by getting at least 20% of this hard to reach audience to recognise there is an issue.

Creative Execution

So we created Tinnyvision. A group of guys Snapchatting their 'stoner' sessions. Follow them. They'll send you snaps. Watch them then they're gone. No incriminating evidence. We got the trusted editors of 'stoner' sites to endorse following Tinnyvision with a variety of blog posts and mentions. Throughout the day, followers we entertained by the guys getting stoned, and their reactions getting slow. 11 snaps later, they go for a drive. A girl steps out. The driver is slow to react. The girl hits the windscreen. Then, one final snap reveals the message, 'Stoned drivers are slower to react'

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

Our 'Stoner' audience are experts at tuning out from messages they don't want to hear, especially from Government. In unsettling their mis-informed driving confidence, we needed to be credible and have a conversation in their channels. We needed to change the messenger from being a prohibitionist Government PSA, to a story told by their peers. Our media therefore needed to enable NZTA to be part of the conversation rather than being invasive and disrespectfully talking ‘at’ them. Research revealed a core ‘Stoner’ audience and the digital environments in which they existed. Snapchat was there every time.