Product / ServiceMINI F55
CategoryB02. Use of Mobile Devices
EntrantCARAT CHINA Shanghai, CHINA
Media Agency CARAT CHINA Shanghai, CHINA
Entrant Company CARAT CHINA Shanghai, CHINA
Media Agency 2 CARAT CHINA Shanghai, CHINA


Name Company Position
Li Fan MINI Senior Marketing Manager
Christina Chu Carat China GM, Key Accounts
Peng Peng Carat China Group Business Director
Merry Zhang Carat China Planning Director
Yifei Wang Carat China Planning Supervisor
Richard Frampton Carat China Communication Planning Director
Anne Marie Chadima Carat China Management Trainee

Brief Explanation

MINI is an iconic brand, its distinctive design, handling characteristics, and cheeky personality are well established. But MINI is perceived as the unapologetically small car. Challenged with launching the larger five door model in Chengdu, traditional media channels and static displays offered limited scope to bring the excitement of MINI to life and showcase the spacious interior. Our strategy: Rather than drive our audience to the showroom, we drove the showroom experience to them. We worked with Uber to create the first ever tailor made content cooperation, and delivered an entirely new way to experience the space of the F55.

Results and Effectiveness

The partnership was unlike anything the Mini had done before and captured the attention of the automotive industry with over 200 articles and features across trade and mainstream news titles. Commercially the campaign exceeded lead generation target by 57% with 4,725 contact details captured through the in ride QR code. Overall Cost per Lead set a new standard and was 87% lower than MINI average And supporting the Mini brand vision to ‘win hearts and turn heads’ the campaign provided an immersive experience to 11,812 Chengdu residents who all enjoyed their MINI 5-door adventure.

Creative Execution

Knowing that December would be a busy party season for our audience, we created even more opportunities for adventure. Uber customers could select the ‘Mini Uber’ service and were then collected by one of 10 specially trained drivers for a free journey but an immersive ‘showroom’ experience. In the first ever tailor made content collaboration, a ‘Hail Mini’ function was embedded into the native experience of Uber app users in Chengdu. Our partnership with Uber was the central component of the launch campaign and informed our behaviour across all other touchpoints.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

By mining our data for insights we had already identified our perfect target audience, Adventurous Innovators. Savvy consumers, aged 25-45, individual, bold trendsetters seeking new experiences. Increasingly immune to glossy car adverts, this audience chooses to go its own way. And we could see they were already fans of Uber. Our insight: Enable adventure. We could use Uber to deliver an interactive product demonstration and support the Mini vision to ‘win hearts and turn heads’.