CategoryA05. Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale
Media Agency 2 MINDSHARE Mumbai, INDIA
Entrant Company MINDSHARE Mumbai, INDIA
Media Agency MINDSHARE Mumbai, INDIA


Name Company Position
Miloni Patel Mindshare Director Strategy
Vinish Mathews Mindshare Partner Partner Client Leadership
Zubin Tatna Mindshare Principal Partner, Strategy Lead
Divya Ramakrishna Mindshare Manager - Invention

Brief Explanation

‘Protection against cavities’ is the message most toothpaste brands woo consumers with. Pepsodent’s objective was to increase trials by reinforcing its message in a unique way. Street-food is part of the social fabric of Mumbai with “bhel” being the most popular. Bhel is a mix of puffed rice, tomatoes, onions, spicy chutney and fried vermicelli. Now “bhel” sticks to one’s teeth, increasing the risk of cavities. Furthermore, cleanliness and hygiene is not associated with bhelwallas (vendors). This was the perfect context to land our idea. Idea - Use the paper in which the “bhel” is served as a media channel!

Results and Effectiveness

Our goal was to increase trials and we delivered • Our ‘Brand ever used’ score went up from 68% to 78%. A massive 1000 basis point increase (Source: Millward Brown) • The score on unaided awareness increased by 200 basis points (Source: Millward Brown) Over 100,000 consumers were directly touched. The campaign video garnered 13 Million impressions and 1 Million clicks in just 10 days. Campaign VTRs (View through Rate) were @ 17%, 3 times the FMCG Industry average. Pepsodent created a new media vehicle at the moment of truth that was relevant, contextual and is easily replicable across geographies.

Creative Execution

The vendors make bhel by hand and serve it in old, mostly dirty newspapers. Pepsodent replaced old newspapers with hygienic bio-degradable paper, with the brand message printed in non-toxic edible ink explaining the benefits of oral health and brushing with Pepsodent. As one ate the bhel, one discovered that it was not just a newspaper but something intriguing, informative and delightful. Over 30 days, 48 food junctions spread the message. The reaction of the consumers was so overwhelming, that we captured them on camera and repurposed it as short format content for YouTube and Social Media lending additional scale.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

90-95% of Indians suffer from periodontal diseases. Over 80% have never visited a dentist. The Pepsodent consumer (all adults) pays scant attention to oral care. Brushing is a chore which needs to be done. Hence brand choice is driven more out of habit than brand love. Strategy was to seamlessly integrate brand proposition contextually, in the ‘Moment of Truth’. Mumbaikars are foodies at heart. Across social strata, people passionately devour delicacies on the streets at any time of the day. Hygiene and germs are issues that don’t deter them. Pepsodent spoke to them when they were most vulnerable to cavities.