Title1000 STORES
Product / ServiceE-GROCERY
CategoryA08. Best Use of Other Digital Platforms (Incl. Mobile Devices)
Media Agency YIHAODIAN Shanghai, CHINA


Name Company Position
Xiaoming Lai Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Art Director
Kevin Yeh Axis Creative Integration Producer
Lea Chen Shishang Architecture Architect
Jan Kern Treehouse Producer
Eden Wu Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Account Service
Nicole Hu Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Account Service
Chris Reitermann Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Account Service
Yuan Yong Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Account Service
Quetina Yang Ogilvyone Worldwide Beijing Innovation Planner
Rita Yang Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Beijing Innovation Planner
Marc Violo Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Innovation Planner
Kweichee Lam Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Beijing Copywriter
Liwen Fan Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Art Director
Ali Grayeli Ogilvyaction Shanghai Creative Director
Daniel Comar Ogilvyaction Malaysia Regional Executive Creative Director
Juggi Ramakrishnan Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Copywriter
Sascha Engel Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Creative Director
Dirk Eschenbacher Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Beijing Regional Creative Director
Francis Wee Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Executive Creative Director
Graham Fink Ogilvy/Mather Advertising Shanghai Chief Creative Officer

Results and Effectiveness

Results: The combination of online shopping and traditional in-store shopping hit a nerve and Yihaodian's revenue increased 17% over a 3 months campaign period. The promotional video got around 2 million views across several video sharing sites. (Watch video here http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDYxOTAyODEy.html) Hundreds of media covered the idea including highly influential local titles like China Daily and people.com.cn and international media like Wired, Bloomberg, FastCompany and others. The campaign generated an estimated 2m USD media coverage.

Creative Execution

Each store measured 40 x 40 meters and featured over 1000 products. We placed the stores around China’s first and second tier cities on unclaimed urban areas large enough to fit the store. We focused on on high-traffic locations such as the Central Business District, large residential condominium compounds and near subway stations. First, we spread the word with our fans on Weibo, Chinese version of Twitter. Then we launched a promotional video on Youku and Tudou - Chinese versions of YouTube.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

Background: Yihaodian is an online grocery shop in China. It's quite popular amongst the busy white-collar workers.However, most people still used to and prefer to shop in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Mission: Steal customers from the much bigger brick-and-mortar super store like Tesco, Metro and Carrefour. Idea: We opened 1000 stores in China's most strategic locations. And we opened them overnight. Those stores were made of pixels and bytes and accessible with a smartphone. Shoppers downloaded a location based(LBS) augmented reality(AR) app and followed these steps: 1) Locate the nearest store on the map. 2) Approach and enter the store. 3) Browse through more than 1000 products. 4) Buy product and complete checkout process. 5) Next day delivery.