Product / ServiceMEDIACORP
CategoryB01. Corporate Information
Entrant Company REN PARTNERSHIP Singapore, SINGAPORE
Advertising Agency REN PARTNERSHIP Singapore, SINGAPORE


Name Company Position
Chris Loo Shooting Gallery Asia Producer
Yee Chang Kang Shooting Gallery Asia Film Director
Dawn Liew Ren Partnership Account Director
Henry Soon Ren Partnership Digital Director
Chris Chiu Ren Partnership Founder

Results and Effectiveness

Online, thousands of stories were shared and most importantly, every single one was personal and heartfelt. Across just 8 weeks, the fan page acquitted 4,500 likes and at its peak, MediaCorp's organic and paid reach was close to 1.9 million unique Facebook users ( in a country of only 4.9 million) and over 20 million impressions. Tis level of engagement was particularly impressive in that this campaign wasn't linked to any promotions that encouraged participation. Every one participated because they wanted to. And ultimately, millions decided to give their 'first love' a second chance.

Creative Execution

And so MediaCorp shared with them 'Someone'. An integrated campaign - across television, radio, print and outdoor - that reinvigorated how people thought and felt about the MediaCorp brand; about how the brand and its products played an important part in 'growing up' with Singaporeans. On radio, we used the medium and DJs to encourage live call-ins to get people to talk about their interaction with the brand through their lives - and at all hours. As far as digital was concerned, we wanted to get to a platform where we could start discussions, so we used social media. With all offline media directing discussion to Facebook, this allowed Singaporeans and broadcaster alike to reminisce together; and beyond that, encouraged everyone on the island to share their memory of how MediaCorp kept them company in their lives - many times over. Which was exactly the point.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

76 years ago, Singaporeans loved the only broadcaster on the island. Everyone turned to the 'one' voice for all their news and entertainment. The truth was, however, that through the years, millions of Singaporeans were tuning in because they simply had no choice. Until cable happened. Brought in by equally muscled corporations, these fresh choices for news and entertainment brought in world-class entertainment that was hard to ignore. Resulting in the 'love' for MediaCorp starting to wane considerably. After all, forgetting about local productions is easy when you have HBO, Fox Television, etc. MediaCorp just compete on quality programming anymore. So if quality wasn't a battleground the brand could win on - especially with the likes of Steven Spielberg and Ridley Scott amongst others, creating content for cable - what could MediaCorp compete on? The answer lay in the fact - that it's always been there for the people.