Product / ServiceAQUA
CategoryB02. Consumer Products
EntrantDENTSU Tokyo, JAPAN
Entrant Company DENTSU Tokyo, JAPAN
Advertising Agency DENTSU Tokyo, JAPAN


Name Company Position
Takayuki Tobikawa Dentsu Inc. Account Executive
Shinji Takada Dentsu Inc. Account Executive
Tetsuya Sakurai Dentsu Inc. Account Director
Hitoshi Hamaguchi Dentsu Inc. Agency Producer
Mizuho Hiruta Dentsu Inc. Copywriter
Takuya Isojima Dentsu Inc. Copywriter
Akihiro Negishi Dentsu Inc. Art Director
Takayuki Nakajima Dentsu Inc. Art Director
Noriaki Onoe Dentsu Inc. Planner
Kenta Nakagawa Dentsu Inc. Planner
Masahiko Okabe Dentsu Inc. Planner
Takuya Fujita Dentsu Inc. Promotion Planner
Go Kashina Dentsu Inc. Promotion Director
Shinichiro Fujimoto Dentsu Inc. Producer
Ryo Komoto Dentsu Inc. Producer
Yusaku Moriuchi Dentsu Inc. Producer
Kazuhiro Shimura Dentsu Inc. Strategist
Ikuko Kaneda Dentsu Inc. Strategist
Yosuke Mamiya Dentsu Inc. Strategist
Yuki Kishi Dentsu Inc. Creative Director

The Brief

Toyota released AQUA, the world’s most fuel-efficient hybrid car. The mission is to overtake Prius, and become the best selling car in Japan. We thought that the best campaign for the world’s most eco-friendly car should also be the world’s most eco-friendly campaign.

Creative Execution

The designated targets were the young generation with almost no interest in cars. Their eco-mind was very high and are willing to participate in (65.1% of ppl) the environment activity. Thanks to the product of the world’s most eco-friendly car, we could have done this project successfully. As a result, AQUA’s core concept has successfully gained empathy, and AQUA became the most selling car: a position which PRIUS dominated for consecutive months previously.

Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective.

“AQUA SOCIAL FES!!” : this platform enables people from all over Japan to participate in activities to preserve the environment. People can apply from any dealership that retails AQUA. Thanks to this system, the dealership which was previously a mere place to retail cars transformed into a hub that brings a more beautiful neighbor.


We are honored to receive the award by Minister of Economy for the activity of making the future. AQUA SOCIAL FES!! Total Counts of Events: 131 times. Total Participants: 11533ppl. Average age: 28.5. TV exposure: 41 programs. Newspaper Coverage: 666 times in 47 presses. Magazine Coverage: 15 times. Web Coverage: 63 times in 332 media. Total amount of trash collected more than 31t. Number of planted green: Approx. 30000. Japanese waterfront is obviously getting back its beauty and we expect this activity to last for the next few years.