Product / ServiceSAATHI BACHPAN KE
CategoryB05. Public Service, Charity & Fund Raising
Entrant Company:MAXUS INDIA Gurgaon, INDIA
Media Agency:MAXUS INDIA Gurgaon, INDIA


Name Company Position
Sujata Singh Maxus Client Leader
Priyambada Maxus Business Director
Ankit Bhanot Maxus Media Planner

Results and Effectiveness

Campaign success led to a policy shift in the program design of SBK. The focus shifted from short-term non-sustainable approach of targeting caregivers to long-term self- sustaining approach of targeting the older siblings-second mothers. The shift was propelled by the unprecedented participation of 2% of the entire slum population translating to about 38,000 consumers. The program drove 60% awareness about the key methods to prevent diarrhea. (Source: Endline Survey by US Aid.) We have given a template to social-welfare organizations to relook at targeting, overturning the conventional media approach of addressing the adult members of households to drive behavioral change.

Creative Execution

Inculcating behavior change required persuasive approach. We had to blur the boundaries between medium and the message. SBK initiative came alive in 30 slum schools across 3 cities in UP with voluntary participation of 6000 children and 1800 caregivers. Through a series of simple, entertaining yet educational activity we kept our foot soldiers engaged. On World ORS Day message was delivered through pantomimes; kids expressed their learning through a painting competition. Followed by weekly puppet shows where kids brought caregivers. This culminated in final event on Global Hand-washing Day. Kids spoilt their hands in natural colours, left their hand-impression on huge wall and were made to wash hand with soap. They mobilized caregivers and neighborhood to participate in subsequent activity. Small incentives like live byte on radio acted as a motivation and gave them a sense of purpose.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

Diarrhea, a major killer of children (0-5 yrs. age-group) in UP, could be almost halved if already available interventions such as administering ORS, hand- washing with soap, and improved household water treatment were widely adopted by the caregivers(Mothers).Unlike the much-hyped state driven Polio intervention that came to doorsteps, diarrhea management required long term change in people’s behavior. Behaviour change requires persuasion and reminder. Suspicious of any outside intervention, illiterate and conservative biological mother would not listen to us. They rest their responsibility with giving birth to babies. Elder children in such household act as second mother to their younger sibling. They became the drivers of change- our own little fleet of advocates. We used “Hub and Spoke” model of behavior change. Each “Star Kid” became a Hub and influenced his immediate affiliates (spokes) who later acted as Hub and multiplied message.