Product / ServiceNOKIA N9
CategoryC02. Viral & Email Marketing, e-cards etc.
Entrant Company:JWT BEIJING, CHINA
Advertising/Web Design Agency:JWT BEIJING, CHINA


Name Company Position
Polly Chu Jwt Beijing Chief Creative Officer
Shankun Sun Jwt Beijing Group Creative Director
Dechun Qiu Jwt Beijing Associate Creative Director
Wei Huang Jwt Beijing Senior Copywriter
Youyou Wu Jwt Beijing Senior Copywriter
Xiaochuan Liu Jwt Beijing Art Director
Lin Ma Jwt Beijing Producer
Nicole Tan Jwt Beijing Business Director
Sophie Rong Jwt Beijing Senior Account Director
Brian Ng Jwt Beijing Strategy Planning Director
Tinghu Ye Tinghoevo/Woofly Film Production Film Director
Xingyu Huang Tinghoevo/Woofly Film Production Film Director
Qian Wu Tinghoevo/Woofly Film Production Executive Producer
Anna Shipley Nokia China Communications Director
Jason Cao Nokia China Head Of Campaign Activation/Digital
Rachel Wu Nokia China Activation Manager
Jerbin Yuan Wunderman Beijing Group Creative Director
Xun Wu Wunderman Beijing Account Director
Karen Guo Carat China Associate Digital Director
Peggy Ji Carat China Associate Social Media Planning Director

Brief Explanation

Nokia N9 launched in China at a very challenging time. Everyone was following Apple or Android. With brand preference on the decline, Nokia needed a turning point. Unlike any other device launch, the objective of N9 campaign need to drive the sales of N9 as well as re-establish Nokia's credentials & regain 'love' for the brand. Instead of a traditional campaign, we created a topic via a 'micro-blog' film and marketed it like a movie celebrating the 'UNFOLLOW' spirit. The campaign generated 67 million views; the most viewed branded online video campaign in China during the campaign period.


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