Product / ServiceSELF PROMOTION
CategoryB01. Corporate Information
EntrantMAXUS Bangalore, INDIA
Entrant Company:MAXUS Bangalore, INDIA
Media Agency:MAXUS Bangalore, INDIA



Name Company Position
Mansoor Khan Maxus Business Group Head
Shibu George Maxus Business Group Head
Victor Britto Maxus Investment Group Head
Kishankumar Shyamalan Maxus Investment Business Director
Laya Menon Maxus Client Leader

Results and Effectiveness

The movement invited 528 enthusiastics with diverse backgrounds like Corporate Law, Information Technology, Finance and Retail, with interests spread across adventure sports, music, History & Social Service. 1148 people voted for their Be More Legend. 240 Radio Jockeys of RED FM across 48 cities inspired people to take the ‘Titan Be More Pledge’ on New Year’s Eve through which they pledged to rekindle the passions of life. Titan Face book fan-page followers doubled to 500 within a month. Online conversations on the fan page increased manifold. 21740 people engaged in a conversation with Titan and joined it’s ‘Be More’ Revolution

Creative Execution

India’s leading magazine group Living Media with 7.5 million readers, helped us identify 3 champions (Neha/ Vikram/ Arun) who typified the ‘be more’ spirit. We showcased their stories across 12 Living Media magazines & our online/ radio partner channels; inviting others to come forth with their own ‘be more’ stories and get selected as ‘India’s Be More Legend’. Inspired, others started responding with their ‘be more’ stories on our website and Facebook fan-page. The 6 most ‘be more’ personalities from the stories that poured in, were selected by an eminent jury. These stories were publicized by India’s largest news network TV18 (CNN/ IBN7) with a wide reach of 13 million. The selection of the most outstanding personality was thrown open to public voting and to crown India’s Be More Legend. The best ‘be more’ stories were collated to be published as a book in 2010

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

India’s most prestigious watch brand Titan, incited urban men and women to break free from humdrum lives and follow the passions of their youth. Our youth is filled with the zest for life, the many things we want to be. But with time, passions get side-lined; other things take priority jobs, families, responsibilities – monotonous shackled existences. But when we hear of and see for ourselves, people who have managed to break out of these shells, we are inspired to try out the same. This is what Titan set out to achieve in 2009 – spur people to ‘be more’ than what they were and live the dreams of their youth. Urged by Titan, people who had broken out of their shells came forth and shared their stories. Inspired by them, people from different walks followed suit across print, online, TV & radio, setting of Titan’s ‘Be More’ Revolution.