CategoryA07. Best Use of Digital Media, Including Social Media, Mobile Phones, PDAs etc.
EntrantMPG Singapore, SINGAPORE
Entrant Company:MPG Singapore, SINGAPORE
Media Agency:MPG Manila, THE PHILIPPINES



Name Company Position
Eduardo Mapa Jr. Media Contacts Philippines Managing Director
Jonathan Joson Media Contacts Strategic Planning Director
Krystle Enriquez Media Contacts Account Manager
Paulo Famularcano Media Contacts Creative Director
Patricia Lavandelo Media Contacts Art Director
Jason Concepcion Media Contacts Art Director
Micheline Rama Media Contacts Copywriter

Results and Effectiveness gained: 80,000+ unique visitors 160,000+ page views 150,000+ uses of applications within 4 months. Through social media: 21,753 teens posted their results after using applications 7,744 users shared different applications with friends. 41.09% of total visits came from referring sites 55,650 visits from Facebook referrals 43,744 visits from social ads 2,533 visits from those who clicked on the post and share entries of other users. Closeup’s top-of-mind awareness among youth increased 4 points in 2009. Brand health surveys indicated the brand scoring 4 points higher in “Freshness” attribute and 5 points higher in “Being-a-brand-for-the-youth” attribute.

Creative Execution

The Kilig Factory website was launched in August 2009 housing a suite of 17 “closeness” applications designed to generate “Kilig”- that warm, fuzzy feeling associated with people get closer. Facebook served as the community hub where all results and applications were shared among peers. Through Facebook’s features, users posted results they got from apps or shared the applications itself on their Facebook walls for others to view, click or comment on. To drive more traffic to the Kilig Factory website and increase app usage, Facebook and Friendster profiles and targeted Facebook social ad for each application were also created to increase awareness and drive additional traffic to the site. By providing the tools that allowed young people to get closer, Kilig Factory spread the love through social networks.

Insights, Strategy and the Idea

The concept of love and romance has been used extensively in various forms of media by different brands or services. But very few have owned LOVE in the digital space. Let alone a toothpaste brand. The challenge was to own DIGITAL LOVE to communicate Closeup’s emotional benefit to its young adult target audience: It gets you closer. The agency took up the task of creating a strong online presence for the brand by owning the concept of Love and Romance in the digital world and bridging the gap among the young and the romantic.