Product / ServiceBSA FOLDMAN
CategoryB04. Household Goods
EntrantJWT Mumbai, INDIA
Entrant Company:JWT Mumbai, INDIA
Design/Advertising Agency:JWT Mumbai, INDIA



Name Company Position
Senthil Kumar JWT Executive Creative DIrector
PK Prasad JWT Creative DIrector/ Art Director
Arjun Nalapat JWT Copywriter
Anand JWT Production Artist

Brief Explanation

The objective was to introduce the Foldman in a fresh perspective with its packaging and drive sales through better interaction with customers. We needed to change customer perception from a "pack and store", which wasn't an appealing enough reason to buy to "UNFOLD and GO".

The Brief

Drive inquiries and sales for the BSA Foldman, a foldable bicycle by redefining its core benefit.

How the final design was conceived

We created an experiential packaging for the product that allowed customers to see first hand the real benefit of the Foldman - not that you can fold and keep it, but that wherever you are, you can UNFOLD & GO! The Foldman cycle was printed around the carton in such a way that each of the cycle's joints corresponded exactly with the edges. So unpacking the box, was exactly like Unfolding the Foldman.

Indication of how successful the outcome was in the market

Customers took interest in the unique packaging. Choosing to play around with it. Perceptions gradually shifted as the Foldman became more associated to "take on the go." Inquiries of the Foldman jumped 120% in the very first week after the new packaging rolled out with many customers choosing to play around with the product. Foldman sales jumped by 83% as a result of the interest generated by this initiative.